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Az ELTE PPK Könyvtára közel 1000 e-bookkal bővítette gyűjteményét. A könyvek keresése és online elérése az ELTE online katalógusában történik. Ezeknek a dokumentumoknak linkjei a katalógusunkban a lekeresett könyv példányadatai mellett láthatók, az Online fül alatt. Az e-bookok mind a könyvtárban, mind otthonról, távoli eléréssel hozzáférhetők (hallgatóknak, oktatóknak, dolgozóknak), nem ELTE-s könyvtárhasználóknak csak helyben használattal, a könyvtári számítógépeken.
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E-bookok 2017-2019
Book Title |
Author |
Edition |
1. |
#Balkanization: A Critical Study of Otherness through Twitter |
Liridona Veliu |
1st ed. 2018 |
2. |
(Re)Constructing Memory: Education, Identity, and Conflict |
Michelle J. Bellino, James H. Williams |
1st ed. 2017 |
3. |
“Tired all the Time” |
Marie Thomas |
1st ed. 2018 |
4. |
25 Years of Transformations of Higher Education Systems in Post-Soviet Countries |
Jeroen Huisman, Anna Smolentseva, Isak Froumin |
1st ed. 2018 |
5. |
A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response |
George S. Everly, Jr., Jeffrey M. Lating |
4th ed. 2019 |
6. |
A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland |
Stephen J. McKinney, Raymond McCluskey |
1st ed. 2019 |
7. |
A Lacanian Theory of Curriculum in Higher Education |
Fernando M. Murillo |
1st ed. 2018 |
8. |
A Person-Centered Approach to Psychospiritual Maturation |
Jared D. Kass |
1st ed. 2017 |
9. |
A Phenomenological Inquiry into Science Teachers’ Case Method Learning |
Sye Foong Yee |
1st ed. 2019 |
10. |
A Positive Psychological Approach to Suicide |
Jameson K. Hirsch, Edward C. Chang, Jessica Kelliher Rabon |
1st ed. 2018 |
11. |
A Psychology of Liberation and Peace |
Chalmer E. F. Thompson |
1st ed. 2019 |
12. |
A Relational Approach to Educational Inequality |
R. Nazli Somel |
1st ed. 2019 |
13. |
A School in Ren Village |
Hongchang Si |
1st ed. 2018 |
14. |
A Study on Professional Development of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Institutions of Higher Education in Western China |
Yuhong Jiang |
1st ed. 2017 |
15. |
A Study on the Washback Effects of the Test for English Majors (TEM) |
Qian Xu, Jun Liu |
1st ed. 2018 |
16. |
A World History of Higher Education Exchange |
Teresa Brawner Bevis |
1st ed. 2019 |
17. |
Academic Achievement Assessment |
Huisheng Tian, Zhichang Sun |
1st ed. 2018 |
18. |
Academic Conferences as Neoliberal Commodities |
Donald J Nicolson |
1st ed. 2017 |
19. |
Academic Socialization of Young Black and Latino Children |
Susan Sonnenschein, Brook E. Sawyer |
1st ed. 2018 |
20. |
Academic Writing and Identity Constructions |
Louise M. Thomas, Anne B. Reinertsen |
1st ed. 2019 |
21. |
Accountability Policies in Education |
Christian Maroy, Xavier Pons |
1st ed. 2019 |
22. |
Achieving Equity and Quality in Higher Education |
Mahsood Shah, Jade McKay |
1st ed. 2018 |
23. |
Achieving Inclusive Education in the Caribbean and Beyond |
Stacey N. J. Blackman, Dennis A. Conrad, Launcelot I. Brown |
1st ed. 2019 |
24. |
Acquired Brain Injury |
Jean Elbaum |
2nd ed. 2019 |
25. |
Addiction in South and East Africa |
Yamikani Ndasauka, Grivas Muchineripi Kayange |
1st ed. 2019 |
26. |
ADHD, Stress, and Development |
Petr Bob, Jana Konicarova |
1st ed. 2018 |
27. |
Adolescence in Urban India |
Shagufa Kapadia |
1st ed. 2017 |
28. |
Adolescent Substance Abuse |
Carl G. Leukefeld, Thomas P. Gullotta |
2nd ed. 2018 |
29. |
Adult Education in Neoliberal Times |
Marion Bowl |
1st ed. 2017 |
30. |
Advances in Psychology and Law |
Brian H. Bornstein, Monica K. Miller |
1st ed. 2019 |
31. |
Advances in REBT |
Michael E. Bernard, Windy Dryden |
1st ed. 2019 |
32. |
Advancing Human Assessment |
Randy E. Bennett, Matthias von Davier |
1st ed. 2017 |
33. |
Affect and Mathematics Education |
Markku S. Hannula, Gilah C. Leder, Francesca Morselli, Maike Vollstedt, Qiaoping Zhang |
1st ed. 2019 |
34. |
Affect in Mathematical Modeling |
Scott A. Chamberlin, Bharath Sriraman |
1st ed. 2019 |
35. |
Afflictions |
Robert Lemelson, Annie Tucker |
1st ed. 2017 |
36. |
After-School Programming and Intrinsic Motivation |
Elaine Clanton Harpine |
1st ed. 2019 |
37. |
After-School Programs to Promote Positive Youth Development |
Nancy L. Deutsch |
1st ed. 2017 |
38. |
After-School Programs to Promote Positive Youth Development |
Nancy L. Deutsch |
1st ed. 2017 |
39. |
Agency at Work |
Michael Goller, Susanna Paloniemi |
1st ed. 2017 |
40. |
Agile and Lean Concepts for Teaching and Learning |
David Parsons, Kathryn MacCallum |
1st ed. 2019 |
41. |
AI Love You |
Yuefang Zhou, Martin H. Fischer |
1st ed. 2019 |
42. |
Alasdair MacIntyre, Rationality and Education |
Steven A. Stolz |
1st ed. 2019 |
43. |
Albert Camus and Education |
Aidan Hobson |
44. |
Allegories for Psychotherapy, Teaching, and Supervision |
Mark A. Kunkel |
1st ed. 2018 |
45. |
Alternative Schooling and Student Engagement |
Nina Bascia, Esther Sokolov Fine, Malcolm Levin |
1st ed. 2017 |
46. |
Alternative Schooling, Social Justice and Marginalised Students |
Stewart Riddle, David Cleaver |
1st ed. 2017 |
47. |
An Analysis of Two Decades of Educational Technology Publications |
Gloria Natividad, J. Michael Spector, Nicholas Evangelopoulos |
1st ed. 2018 |
48. |
An Education in 'Evil' |
Cathryn van Kessel |
1st ed. 2019 |
49. |
An Integrative Paradigm for Mental Health Care |
James H. Lake |
1st ed. 2019 |
50. |
An Old Melody in a New Song |
Luca Tateo |
1st ed. 2018 |
51. |
Analysing Erasmus+ Vocational Education and Training Funding in Europe |
Carlos de Olagüe-Smithson |
1st ed. 2019 |
52. |
Ancestral Knowledge Meets Computer Science Education |
Cueponcaxochitl D. Moreno Sandoval |
1st ed. 2019 |
53. |
André Bazin, the Critic as Thinker |
R. J. Cardullo |
54. |
Animals and Science Education |
Michael P. Mueller, Deborah J. Tippins, Arthur J. Stewart |
1st ed. 2017 |
55. |
Animals in Environmental Education |
Teresa Lloro-Bidart, Valerie S. Banschbach |
1st ed. 2019 |
56. |
Applied Theatre: Understanding Change |
Kelly Freebody, Michael Balfour, Michael Finneran, Michael Anderson |
1st ed. 2018 |
57. |
Applying Behavioural Science to the Private Sector |
Helena Rubinstein |
1st ed. 2018 |
58. |
Applying Occupational Psychology to the Fire Service |
Thomas Rhys Evans, Gail Steptoe-Warren |
1st ed. 2019 |
59. |
Applying Test Equating Methods |
Jorge González, Marie Wiberg |
1st ed. 2017 |
60. |
Applying Wisdom to Contemporary World Problems |
Robert J. Sternberg, Howard C. Nusbaum, Judith Glück |
1st ed. 2019 |
61. |
Approaching Consumer Culture |
Evgenia Krasteva-Blagoeva |
1st ed. 2018 |
62. |
Art and Technology: The Practice and Influence of Art and Technology in Education |
Luisa Menano, Patricia Fidalgo |
63. |
Art Therapy and Emotion Regulation Problems |
Suzanne Haeyen |
1st ed. 2018 |
64. |
Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education |
Jeremy Knox, Yuchen Wang, Michael Gallagher |
1st ed. 2019 |
65. |
Arts and Cultural Education in a World of Diversity |
Lígia Ferro, Ernst Wagner, Luísa Veloso, Teunis IJdens, João Teixeira Lopes |
1st ed. 2019 |
66. |
Arts Education and Cultural Diversity |
Chee-Hoo Lum, Ernst Wagner |
1st ed. 2019 |
67. |
Ascendancy Women and Elementary Education in Ireland |
Eilís O'Sullivan |
1st ed. 2017 |
68. |
Asia Literacy in a Global World |
Hannah Soong, Nayia Cominos |
1st ed. 2018 |
69. |
Asian American Parenting |
Yoonsun Choi, Hyeouk Chris Hahm |
1st ed. 2017 |
70. |
Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children |
Suneeta Monga, Diane Benoit |
1st ed. 2018 |
71. |
Assessment in Ethics Education |
Olof Franck |
1st ed. 2017 |
72. |
Assessment Report on Chinese Primary School Students’ Academic Achievement |
Huisheng Tian, Zhichang Sun |
1st ed. 2019 |
73. |
At the Crossroads: Challenges of Foreign Language Learning |
Ewa Piechurska-Kuciel, Elżbieta Szymańska-Czaplak, Magdalena Szyszka |
1st ed. 2017 |
74. |
Augmenting Health and Social Care Students’ Clinical Learning Experiences |
Stephen Billett, Jennifer Newton, Gary Rogers, Christy Noble |
1st ed. 2019 |
75. |
Autism in Translation |
Elizabeth Fein, Clarice Rios |
1st ed. 2018 |
76. |
Basic Needs, Wellbeing and Morality |
Darcia Narvaez |
1st ed. 2018 |
77. |
Becoming an Innovative Learning Environment |
Noeline Wright |
1st ed. 2018 |
78. |
Becoming Citizens in a Changing World |
Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, Tim Friedman |
1st ed. 2018 |
79. |
Becoming-Teacher |
Kathryn J. Strom, Adrian D. Martin |
80. |
Behavioral Inhibition |
Koraly Pérez-Edgar, Nathan A. Fox |
1st ed. 2018 |
81. |
Behavioral Medicine |
Yori Gidron |
1st ed. 2019 |
82. |
Behavioral Medicine and Integrated Care |
Melanie P. Duckworth, William T. O'Donohue |
1st ed. 2018 |
83. |
Behavioural Support for Students with Special Educational Needs |
Fiona Bryer, Wendi Beamish |
1st ed. 2019 |
84. |
Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times |
Ellen Boeren, Nalita James |
1st ed. 2019 |
85. |
Being an Interdisciplinary Academic |
Catherine Lyall |
1st ed. 2019 |
86. |
Being and Contemporary Psychoanalysis |
Yuri Di Liberto |
1st ed. 2019 |
87. |
Bilingual Education and Minority Language Maintenance in China |
Lubei Zhang, Linda Tsung |
1st ed. 2019 |
88. |
Bilingualism and Bilingual Education: Politics, Policies and Practices in a Globalized Society |
B. Gloria Guzmán Johannessen |
1st ed. 2019 |
89. |
Biopsychosocial Approaches to Understanding Health in South Asian Americans |
Marisa J. Perera, Edward C. Chang |
1st ed. 2018 |
90. |
Black Scholarly Activism between the Academy and Grassroots |
Ornette D. Clennon |
1st ed. 2018 |
91. |
Black Women, Academe, and the Tenure Process in the United States and the Caribbean |
Talia Esnard, Deirdre Cobb-Roberts |
1st ed. 2018 |
92. |
Blended Learning Designs in STEM Higher Education |
Christopher N. Allan, Chris Campbell, Julie Crough |
1st ed. 2019 |
93. |
Brain, School, and Society |
Alireza Moula |
1st ed. 2017 |
94. |
Breathing Meditation as a Tool for Peace Work |
Jennie Helene Sandstad |
1st ed. 2017 |
95. |
Bridging Educational Leadership, Curriculum Theory and Didaktik |
Michael Uljens, Rose M. Ylimaki |
1st ed. 2017 |
96. |
Bridging the Skills Gap |
Shubha Jayaram, Wambui Munge, Bob Adamson, David Sorrell, Nitika Jain |
1st ed. 2017 |
97. |
Broadening the Scope of Research on Mathematical Problem Solving |
Nélia Amado, Susana Carreira, Keith Jones |
1st ed. 2018 |
98. |
Building Early Social and Emotional Relationships with Infants and Toddlers |
Amanda Sheffield Morris, Amy C. Williamson |
1st ed. 2018 |
99. |
Building the Foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades |
Maria G. Bartolini Bussi, Xu Hua Sun |
1st ed. 2018 |
100. |
Bullying and Victimization Across the Lifespan |
Paul R. Smokowski, Caroline B. R. Evans |
1st ed. 2019 |
101. |
Bullying Prevention and Intervention at School |
Jacob U'Mofe Gordon |
1st ed. 2018 |
102. |
Cartographies of Race and Social Difference |
George J. Sefa Dei, Shukri Hilowle |
1st ed. 2018 |
103. |
Causality and Development |
Gerald Young |
1st ed. 2019 |
104. |
Challenging Boundaries in Language Education |
Achilleas Kostoulas |
1st ed. 2019 |
105. |
Change and Maintaining Change |
Debra A. Hope, Rick A. Bevins |
1st ed. 2018 |
106. |
Child Maltreatment Research, Policy, and Practice |
Sonya Negriff |
1st ed. 2018 |
107. |
Child Physical Abuse: Current Evidence, Clinical Practice, and Policy Directions |
Tanya S. Hinds, Angelo P. Giardino |
1st ed. 2017 |
108. |
Childhood, Youth Identity, and Violence in Formerly Displaced Communities in Uganda |
Victoria Flavia Namuggala |
1st ed. 2018 |
109. |
Children, Dogs and Education |
Mary Renck Jalongo |
1st ed. 2018 |
110. |
Children’s Self-determination in the Context of Early Childhood Education and Services |
Federico Farini, Angela Scollan |
1st ed. 2019 |
111. |
Children's Reading of Film and Visual Literacy in the Primary Curriculum |
Jeannie Hill Bulman |
1st ed. 2017 |
112. |
Chinese Science Education in the 21st Century: Policy, Practice, and Research |
Ling L. Liang, Xiufeng Liu, Gavin W. Fulmer |
1st ed. 2017 |
113. |
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) |
Charles J. Golden, Matthew R. Zusman |
1st ed. 2019 |
114. |
Cigarettes & Wine |
J. E. Sumerau |
115. |
Civic and Citizenship Education in Volatile Times |
Kerry J Kennedy |
1st ed. 2019 |
116. |
Civic Education and Liberal Democracy |
Peter Strandbrink |
1st ed. 2017 |
117. |
Classroom Behaviour Management in the Post-School Sector |
Mervyn Lebor |
1st ed. 2017 |
118. |
Climate Psychology |
Paul Hoggett |
1st ed. 2019 |
119. |
Clinical and Psychological Perspectives on Foul Play |
Stephen J. Morewitz |
1st ed. 2019 |
120. |
Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment of Communication Disorders |
Patricia A. Prelock, Tiffany L. Hutchins |
1st ed. 2018 |
121. |
Clinical Guide to Psychiatric Assessment of Infants and Young Children |
Karen A. Frankel, Joyce Harrison, Wanjiku F.M. Njoroge |
1st ed. 2019 |
122. |
Clinical Guide to Toilet Training Children |
Johnny L. Matson |
1st ed. 2017 |
123. |
Clinical Psychology Casebook Across the Lifespan |
Carol C Choo, Roger C Ho |
1st ed. 2019 |
124. |
Close Relationships and Happiness across Cultures |
Melikşah Demir, Nebi Sümer |
1st ed. 2018 |
125. |
Cognitive and Affective Aspects in Science Education Research |
Kaisa Hahl, Kalle Juuti, Jarkko Lampiselkä, Anna Uitto, Jari Lavonen |
1st ed. 2017 |
126. |
Collective Consciousness and Gender |
Alexandra Walker |
1st ed. 2018 |
127. |
Communicative Behaviour of a Language Learner |
Dagmara Gałajda |
1st ed. 2017 |
128. |
Compendium for Early Career Researchers in Mathematics Education |
Gabriele Kaiser, Norma Presmeg |
1st ed. 2019 |
129. |
Competence Assessment in Education |
Detlev Leutner, Jens Fleischer, Juliane Grünkorn, Eckhard Klieme |
1st ed. 2017 |
130. |
Competence Based Education and Training (CBET) and the End of Human Learning |
John Preston |
1st ed. 2017 |
131. |
Competitions for Young Mathematicians |
Alexander Soifer |
1st ed. 2017 |
132. |
Complementary Research Methods for Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
Chad R. Lochmiller |
1st ed. 2018 |
133. |
Computational and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Language Learning |
Xiaofei Lu, Berlin Chen |
1st ed. 2019 |
134. |
Computational Thinking Education |
Siu-Cheung Kong, Harold Abelson |
1st ed. 2019 |
135. |
Computational Thinking in the STEM Disciplines |
Myint Swe Khine |
1st ed. 2018 |
136. |
Computations and Computing Devices in Mathematics Education Before the Advent of Electronic Calculators |
Alexei Volkov, Viktor Freiman |
1st ed. 2018 |
137. |
Conceptualising the Digital University |
Bill Johnston, Sheila MacNeill, Keith Smyth |
1st ed. 2018 |
138. |
Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Higher Education with Chinese Characteristics |
Jian Li, Xudong Zhu |
1st ed. 2019 |
139. |
Conceptualizing Soft Power of Higher Education |
Jian Li |
1st ed. 2018 |
140. |
Conducting Miranda Evaluations |
Richard Rogers, Eric Y. Drogin |
1st ed. 2019 |
141. |
Conducting Systematic Reviews in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity |
David Tod |
1st ed. 2019 |
142. |
Conferencing and Presentation English for Young Academics |
Michael Guest |
1st ed. 2018 |
143. |
Confronting the Existential Threat of Dementia |
Richard Cheston, Gary Christopher |
1st ed. 2019 |
144. |
Connecting Abstract Algebra to Secondary Mathematics, for Secondary Mathematics Teachers |
Nicholas H. Wasserman |
1st ed. 2018 |
145. |
Connecting Humans to Equations |
Ole Ravn, Ole Skovsmose |
1st ed. 2019 |
146. |
Connecting Self-regulated Learning and Performance with Instruction Across High School Content Areas |
Maria K. DiBenedetto |
1st ed. 2018 |
147. |
Constructing Number |
Anderson Norton, Martha W. Alibali |
1st ed. 2019 |
148. |
Constructivism and Teachers in Chinese Culture |
Zitong Wei |
1st ed. 2019 |
149. |
Consultants and Consultancy: the Case of Education |
Helen M. Gunter, Colin Mills |
1st ed. 2017 |
150. |
Contacts and Contrasts in Educational Contexts and Translation |
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk |
1st ed. 2019 |
151. |
Containing Madness |
Jennifer M. Kilty, Erin Dej |
1st ed. 2018 |
152. |
Contemporary Environmental and Mathematics Education Modelling Using New Geometric Approaches |
Susan Gerofsky |
1st ed. 2018 |
153. |
Contemporary Research in Adult and Lifelong Learning of Mathematics |
Katherine Safford-Ramus, Jürgen Maaß, Evelyn Süss-Stepancik |
1st ed. 2018 |
154. |
Contemporary Technologies in Education |
Olusola O. Adesope, A.G. Rud |
1st ed. 2019 |
155. |
Continuing Professional Development of Teachers in Finland |
Yongjian Li, Fred Dervin |
1st ed. 2018 |
156. |
Corporal Punishment, Religion, and United States Public Schools |
Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon |
1st ed. 2017 |
157. |
Counselling in Cultural Contexts |
Nancy Arthur |
1st ed. 2018 |
158. |
Counteracting Methodological Errors in Behavioral Research |
Gideon J. Mellenbergh |
1st ed. 2019 |
159. |
Creating Cultural Safety in Couple and Family Therapy |
Robert Allan, Shruti Singh Poulsen |
1st ed. 2017 |
160. |
Creating Organizational Value through Dialogical Leadership |
Rens van Loon |
1st ed. 2017 |
161. |
Creating Performances for Teaching and Learning |
Chris McRae, Aubrey Huber |
1st ed. 2017 |
162. |
Creating Project-Based STEM Environments |
Jennifer Wilhelm, Ronald Wilhelm, Merryn Cole |
1st ed. 2019 |
163. |
Creating the Future? The 1960s New English Universities |
Ourania Filippakou, Ted Tapper |
1st ed. 2019 |
164. |
Creativity in Theatre |
Suzanne Burgoyne |
1st ed. 2018 |
165. |
Creativity and Critique in Online Learning |
Jacqueline Baxter, George Callaghan, Jean McAvoy |
1st ed. 2018 |
166. |
Creativity and Technology in Mathematics Education |
Viktor Freiman, Janet Lynne Tassell |
1st ed. 2018 |
167. |
Creativity in Music Education |
Yukiko Tsubonou, Ai-Girl Tan, Mayumi Oie |
1st ed. 2019 |
168. |
Creativity Policy, Partnerships and Practice in Education |
Kim Snepvangers, Pat Thomson, Anne Harris |
1st ed. 2018 |
169. |
Creativity Under Duress in Education? |
Carol A. Mullen |
1st ed. 2019 |
170. |
Critical Leadership Theory |
Jennifer L.S. Chandler, Robert E. Kirsch |
1st ed. 2018 |
171. |
Critical Schooling |
Francisco J. Villegas, Janelle Brady |
1st ed. 2019 |
172. |
Critical Voices in Science Education Research Hibát üzen Urlben |
Jesse Bazzul, Christina Siry |
1st ed. 2019 |
173. |
Critical Writing for Embodied Approaches |
Elizabeth Mackinlay |
1st ed. 2019 |
174. |
Cross Cultural Issues in Consumer Science and Consumer Psychology |
Hester van Herk, Carlos J. Torelli |
1st ed. 2017 |
175. |
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Experience and Expression of Love |
Victor Karandashev |
1st ed. 2019 |
176. |
Cultural and Educational Exchanges between Rival Societies |
Chuing Prudence Chou, Jonathan Spangler |
1st ed. 2018 |
177. |
Cultural Psychology as Basic Science |
Maria C .D. P. Lyra, Marina Assis Pinheiro |
1st ed. 2018 |
178. |
Cultural-Historical Approaches to Studying Learning and Development |
Anne Edwards, Marilyn Fleer, Louise Bøttcher |
1st ed. 2019 |
179. |
Cultures and Contexts of Jewish Education |
Barry Chazan, Robert Chazan, Benjamin M. Jacobs |
1st ed. 2017 |
180. |
Cultures of Social Justice Leadership |
Pamela S. Angelle, Deirdre Torrance |
1st ed. 2019 |
181. |
Current Research in Bilingualism and Bilingual Education |
Piotr Romanowski, Małgorzata Jedynak |
1st ed. 2018 |
182. |
Curriculum in International Contexts |
Ashwani Kumar |
1st ed. 2019 |
183. |
Curriculum Reform in the European Schools |
Sandra Leaton Gray, David Scott, Peeter Mehisto |
1st ed. 2018 |
184. |
Curriculum Studies in Turkey |
Sümer Aktan |
1st ed. 2018 |
185. |
Cyber-Physical Laboratories in Engineering and Science Education |
Michael E. Auer, Abul K.M. Azad, Arthur Edwards, Ton de Jong |
1st ed. 2018 |
186. |
Dark Pedagogy |
Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard, Stefan Bengtsson, Martin Hauberg-Lund Laugesen |
1st ed. 2019 |
187. |
Decolonial Feminist Community Psychology |
Floretta Boonzaier, Taryn van Niekerk |
1st ed. 2019 |
188. |
Decolonial Pedagogy |
Njoki Nathani Wane, Kimberly L. Todd |
1st ed. 2018 |
189. |
Deep Drama |
Karl E. Scheibe |
1st ed. 2017 |
190. |
Delusions in Context |
Lisa Bortolotti |
1st ed. 2018 |
191. |
Democratic Policies and Practices in Early Childhood Education |
Linda Mitchell |
1st ed. 2019 |
192. |
Denominational Higher Education during World War II |
John J. Laukaitis |
1st ed. 2018 |
193. |
Designing and Teaching the Secondary Science Methods Course |
Aaron J. Sickel, Stephen B. Witzig |
194. |
Designing Instruction For Open Sharing |
Shalin Hai-Jew |
1st ed. 2019 |
195. |
Desirable Science Education |
Theresa Schulte |
1st ed. 2017 |
196. |
Developing Socio-Emotional Intelligence in Higher Education Scholars |
Camila Devis-Rozental |
1st ed. 2018 |
197. |
Developing Teacher Diversity in Early Childhood and Elementary Education |
Stephen T. Schroth, Jason A. Helfer |
1st ed. 2018 |
198. |
Development of Self-Determination Through the Life-Course |
Michael L. Wehmeyer, Karrie A. Shogren, Todd D. Little, Shane J. Lopez |
1st ed. 2017 |
199. |
Developmental Science and Sustainable Development Goals for Children and Youth |
Suman Verma, Anne C. Petersen |
1st ed. 2018 |
200. |
Diagnostic Interviewing |
Daniel L. Segal |
5th ed. 2019 |
201. |
Dialogic Pedagogy and Polyphonic Research Art |
Eugene Matusov, Ana Marjanovic-Shane, Mikhail Gradovski |
1st ed. 2019 |
202. |
Didactics of Smart Pedagogy |
Linda Daniela |
1st ed. 2019 |
203. |
Dieter Misgeld ellenőr. |
Hossein Mesbahian, Trevor Norris |
204. |
Differentiated Teacher Evaluation and Professional Learning |
Mary Lynne Derrington, Jim Brandon |
1st ed. 2019 |
205. |
Digital Childhoods |
Susan J. Danby, Marilyn Fleer, Christina Davidson, Maria Hatzigianni |
1st ed. 2018 |
206. |
Digital Media in Education |
Michelle Cannon |
1st ed. 2018 |
207. |
Digital Storytelling in Higher Education |
Grete Jamissen, Pip Hardy, Yngve Nordkvelle, Heather Pleasants |
1st ed. 2017 |
208. |
Digital Technology as Affordance and Barrier in Higher Education |
Maura A. Smale, Mariana Regalado |
1st ed. 2017 |
209. |
Digital Technology, Eating Behaviors, and Eating Disorders |
David Šmahel, Hana Macháčková, Martina Šmahelová, Michal Čevelíček, Carlos A. Almenara, Jana Holubčíková |
1st ed. 2018 |
210. |
Digital Turn in Schools—Research, Policy, Practice |
Terje Väljataga, Mart Laanpere |
1st ed. 2019 |
211. |
Directed Motivational Currents in L2 Hibát üzen Urlben |
Nourollah Zarrinabadi, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli |
1st ed. 2019 |
212. |
Discourse Analytic Perspectives on STEM Education |
Juliet Langman, Holly Hansen-Thomas |
1st ed. 2017 |
213. |
Discourse Ontology |
Christos Tombras |
1st ed. 2019 |
214. |
Discourse, Peace, and Conflict |
Stephen Gibson |
1st ed. 2018 |
215. |
Discursive Perspectives on Education Policy and Implementation |
Jessica Nina Lester, Chad R. Lochmiller, Rachael E. Gabriel |
1st ed. 2017 |
216. |
Dismantling Race in Higher Education |
Jason Arday, Heidi Safia Mirza |
1st ed. 2018 |
217. |
Disparities in Child Health |
Michelle A. Lopez, Elissa Z. Faro, Suzette O. Oyeku, Jean L. Raphael |
1st ed. 2018 |
218. |
Distance Learning, E-Learning and Blended Learning in Mathematics Education |
Jason Silverman, Veronica Hoyos |
1st ed. 2018 |
219. |
Distinction, Exclusivity and Whiteness |
Pere Ayling |
1st ed. 2019 |
220. |
Doctoral Education for the Knowledge Society |
Jung Cheol Shin, Barbara M. Kehm, Glen A. Jones |
1st ed. 2018 |
221. |
Doing Liberal Arts Education |
Mikiko Nishimura, Toshiaki Sasao |
1st ed. 2019 |
222. |
Doing Poetic Inquiry |
Helen Owton |
1st ed. 2017 |
223. |
Drawing for Science Education |
Phyllis Katz |
224. |
Dual Language Education: Teaching and Leading in Two Languages |
David E. DeMatthews, Elena Izquierdo |
1st ed. 2019 |
225. |
Dynamic Learning Spaces in Education |
Veena Kapur, Sudipta Ghose |
1st ed. 2018 |
226. |
Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity |
Ronald A. Beghetto, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza |
1st ed. 2019 |
227. |
Early Childhood Education and School Readiness in India |
Venita Kaul, Suman Bhattacharjea |
1st ed. 2019 |
228. |
Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies |
Nirmala Rao, Jing Zhou, Jin Sun |
1st ed. 2017 |
229. |
Early Engineering Learning |
Lyn English, Tamara Moore |
1st ed. 2018 |
230. |
Early Evolution of Human Memory |
Héctor M. Manrique, Michael J. Walker |
1st ed. 2017 |
231. |
Early Vocal Contact and Preterm Infant Brain Development |
Manuela Filippa, Pierre Kuhn, Björn Westrup |
1st ed. 2017 |
232. |
Eco-Informed Practice |
Tracey A. Laszloffy, Markie L. C. Twist |
1st ed. 2019 |
233. |
Educating for Creativity within Higher Education |
Phillip McIntyre, Janet Fulton, Elizabeth Paton, Susan Kerrigan, Michael Meany |
1st ed. 2018 |
234. |
Educating Migrant Children in Urban Public Schools in China |
Bo Hu |
1st ed. 2018 |
235. |
Educating Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers |
Marilyn E. Strutchens, Rongjin Huang, Despina Potari, Leticia Losano |
1st ed. 2018 |
236. |
Education about Mental Health and Illness |
Marc H.M. Hermans, Tan Chay-Hoon, Edmond Pi |
1st ed. 2019 |
237. |
Education Across the United Kingdom 1944–2017 |
Robert McCloy |
1st ed. 2018 |
238. |
Education and Development in India |
Jandhyala B.G. Tilak |
1st ed. 2018 |
239. |
Education and Technological Unemployment |
Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić, Alexander J. Means |
1st ed. 2019 |
240. |
Education and the Boarding School Novel |
Filipe Delfim Santos |
241. |
Education and the Ontological Question |
Kaustuv Roy |
1st ed. 2019 |
242. |
Education and Working-Class Youth |
Robin Simmons, John Smyth |
1st ed. 2018 |
243. |
Education Finance, Equality, and Equity |
Iris BenDavid-Hadar |
1st ed. 2018 |
244. |
Education for Decoloniality and Decolonisation in Africa |
Chikumbutso Herbert Manthalu, Yusef Waghid |
1st ed. 2019 |
245. |
Education for Practice in a Hybrid Space |
Franziska Trede, Lina Markauskaite, Celina McEwen, Susie Macfarlane |
1st ed. 2019 |
246. |
Education for Sustainability through Internationalisation |
Neera Handa |
1st ed. 2018 |
247. |
Education in an Era of Schooling |
Christine Edwards-Groves, Peter Grootenboer, Jane Wilkinson |
1st ed. 2018 |
248. |
Education in Japan |
Yuto Kitamura, Toshiyuki Omomo, Masaaki Katsuno |
1st ed. 2019 |
249. |
Education in Thailand |
Gerald W. Fry |
1st ed. 2018 |
250. |
Education in the United Arab Emirates |
Kay Gallagher |
1st ed. 2019 |
251. |
Education Policies and the Restructuring of the Educational Profession |
Romuald Normand, Min Liu, Luís Miguel Carvalho, Dalila Andrade Oliveira, Louis LeVasseur |
1st ed. 2018 |
252. |
Education, Democracy and Inequality |
Bryony Hoskins, Jan Germen Janmaat |
1st ed. 2019 |
253. |
Education, Disability and Inclusion nem nyilik! Már nyilik |
Ignacio Calderón-Almendros, Sabina Habegger-Lardoeyt |
254. |
Education, Ethnicity and Equity in the Multilingual Asian Context |
Jan GUBE, Fang GAO |
1st ed. 2019 |
255. |
Education, Narrative Technologies and Digital Learning |
Tony Hall |
1st ed. 2018 |
256. |
Education, Sustainability and the Ecological Social Imaginary |
Jeff Buckles |
1st ed. 2018 |
257. |
Educational Alternatives in Latin America |
Robert Aman, Timothy Ireland |
1st ed. 2019 |
258. |
Educational Equality and International Students |
Stuart Tannock |
1st ed. 2018 |
259. |
Educational Governance in China |
Ming Yang, Hao Ni |
1st ed. 2018 |
260. |
Educational Leadership in Policy |
Ágúst Hjörtur Ingþórsson, Nikša Alfirević, Jurica Pavičić, Dijana Vican |
1st ed. 2019 |
261. |
Educational Media and Technology Yearbook |
Robert Maribe Branch |
1st ed. 2018 |
262. |
Educational Memory of Chinese Female Intellectuals in Early Twentieth Century |
Lijing Jiang |
1st ed. 2018 |
263. |
Educational Philosophy for 21st Century Teachers |
Thomas Stehlik |
1st ed. 2018 |
264. |
Educational Policies and Legislation in China |
Xiaozhou Xu, Weihui Mei |
1st ed. 2018 |
265. |
Educational Researchers and the Regional University |
Monica Green, Susan Plowright, Nicola F. Johnson |
1st ed. 2019 |
266. |
Educational Resources in the British Empire |
Tony Lyons, Noel Moloney |
1st ed. 2019 |
267. |
Educational Sovereignty and Transnational Exchanges in Post-Secondary Indonesian Education |
Anita Abbott |
1st ed. 2017 |
268. |
Educational Technology |
Ronghuai Huang, J. Michael Spector, Junfeng Yang |
1st ed. 2019 |
269. |
Emancipatory and Participatory Methodologies in Peace, Critical, and Community Psychology |
Mohamed Seedat, Shahnaaz Suffla, Daniel J. Christie |
1st ed. 2017 |
270. |
Embodiment in Psychotherapy |
Gernot Hauke, Ada Kritikos |
1st ed. 2018 |
271. |
Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Learning and Teaching with Technologies |
Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Isa Jahnke |
1st ed. 2019 |
272. |
Emerging Research, Practice, and Policy on Computational Thinking |
Peter J. Rich, Charles B. Hodges |
1st ed. 2017 |
273. |
Empirical Philosophical Investigations in Education and Embodied Experience |
Joacim Andersson, Jim Garrison, Leif Östman |
1st ed. 2018 |
274. |
Enacted Personal Professional Learning |
Carmel Patterson |
1st ed. 2019 |
275. |
Enchanting Robots |
Maciej Musiał |
1st ed. 2019 |
276. |
Encountering, Experiencing and Shaping Careers |
Ann M. Brewer |
1st ed. 2018 |
277. |
Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology |
Jeffrey S. Kreutzer, John DeLuca, Bruce Caplan |
2nd ed. 2018 |
278. |
Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education |
Steve Lerman |
0th ed. 2018 |
279. |
Energy for Sustainability |
John Randolph, Gilbert Masters |
2nd ed. 2018 |
280. |
Engaging Adolescent Learners |
Brandy Yee, Anne Sliwka, Matti Rautiainen |
1st ed. 2018 |
281. |
Engaging in Educational Research |
Raqib Chowdhury, Mahbub Sarkar, Foez Mojumder, M Moninoor Roshid |
1st ed. 2018 |
282. |
Engineering a Better Future |
Eswaran Subrahmanian, Toluwalogo Odumosu, Jeffrey Y. Tsao |
1st ed. 2018 |
283. |
Engineering Problems for Undergraduate Students |
Xian Wen Ng |
1st ed. 2019 |
284. |
English Education in Oman |
Rahma Al-Mahrooqi, Christopher Denman |
1st ed. 2018 |
285. |
English Language Ideologies in Korea |
Jinhyun Cho |
1st ed. 2017 |
286. |
English Learning in the Digital Age |
Shuang Zeng |
1st ed. 2018 |
287. |
English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers |
Barry Lee Reynolds, Mark Feng Teng |
1st ed. 2019 |
288. |
English Medium Instruction in Higher Education in Asia-Pacific |
Ben Fenton-Smith, Pamela Humphreys, Ian Walkinshaw |
1st ed. 2017 |
289. |
English Pronunciation in L2 Instruction |
Anna Jarosz |
1st ed. 2019 |
290. |
Enhancing Employability in Higher Education through Work Based Learning |
Dawn A. Morley |
1st ed. 2018 |
291. |
Enhancing Teaching and Learning in the Dutch Vocational Education System |
Elly de Bruijn, Stephen Billett, Jeroen Onstenk |
1st ed. 2017 |
292. |
Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume I |
Karen Trimmer, Tara Newman, Fernando F. Padró |
1st ed. 2019 |
293. |
Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume II |
Karen Trimmer, Tara Newman, Fernando F. Padró |
1st ed. 2019 |
294. |
Envisioning Uncertain Futures |
Roman Peperhove, Karlheinz Steinmüller, Hans-Liudger Dienel |
1st ed. 2018 |
295. |
Epistemic Fluency and Professional Education |
Lina Markauskaite, Peter Goodyear |
1st ed. 2017 |
296. |
Equality and Differentiation in Marketised Higher Education |
Marion Bowl, Colin McCaig, Jonathan Hughes |
1st ed. 2018 |
297. |
Equity in Excellence |
Siao See Teng, Maria Manzon, Kenneth K. Poon |
1st ed. 2019 |
298. |
Ethical Literacies and Education for Sustainable Development |
Olof Franck, Christina Osbeck |
1st ed. 2017 |
299. |
Ethnocultural Diversity and the Home-to-School Link |
Christine M. McWayne, Fabienne Doucet, Susan M. Sheridan |
1st ed. 2019 |
300. |
Ethnography and Education Policy |
Claudia Matus |
1st ed. 2019 |
301. |
Ethnomathematics and its Diverse Approaches for Mathematics Education |
Milton Rosa, Lawrence Shirley, Maria Elena Gavarrete, Wilfredo V. Alangui |
1st ed. 2017 |
302. |
Eurasian Business Perspectives |
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can |
1st ed. 2019 |
303. |
European Higher Education and the Internal Market |
Cristina Sin, Orlanda Tavares, Sónia Cardoso, Maria J. Rosa |
1st ed. 2018 |
304. |
European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies |
Adrian Curaj, Ligia Deca, Remus Pricopie |
1st ed. 2018 |
305. |
European Traditions in Didactics of Mathematics |
Werner Blum, Michèle Artigue, Maria Alessandra Mariotti, Rudolf Sträßer, Marja Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen |
1st ed. 2019 |
306. |
Evaluating Campus Climate at US Research Universities |
Krista M. Soria |
1st ed. 2018 |
307. |
Evaluating the Experiential Quality of Musical Instruments |
Gian-Marco Schmid |
1st ed. 2017 |
308. |
Everyday Creativity and the Healthy Mind |
Ruth Richards |
1st ed. 2018 |
309. |
Evidence and Public Good in Educational Policy, Research and Practice |
Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, Barbara Schneider |
1st ed. 2017 |
310. |
Evidence-Based Positive Psychological Interventions in Multi-Cultural Contexts |
Llewellyn Ellardus Van Zyl, Sebastiaan Rothmann Sr. |
1st ed. 2019 |
311. |
Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work |
James W. Drisko, Melissa D. Grady |
2nd ed. 2019 |
312. |
Evidence-Based Treatments for Problem Gambling |
Cameron McIntosh, Katy O'Neill |
1st ed. 2017 |
313. |
Evolution Education Around the Globe |
Hasan Deniz, Lisa A. Borgerding |
1st ed. 2018 |
314. |
Examining Effective Practices at Minority-Serving Institutions |
Robert T. Palmer, DeShawn Preston, Amanda Assalone |
1st ed. 2019 |
315. |
Examining Mental Health through Social Constructionism |
Michelle O'Reilly, Jessica Nina Lester |
1st ed. 2017 |
316. |
Examining the Phenomenon of “Teaching Out-of-field” |
Linda Hobbs, Günter Törner |
1st ed. 2019 |
317. |
Existential Health Psychology |
Patrick M. Whitehead |
1st ed. 2019 |
318. |
Existentialism and Education |
Ralf Koerrenz |
1st ed. 2017 |
319. |
Experiences of Adults Following an Autism Diagnosis |
Kristien Hens, Raymond Langenberg |
1st ed. 2018 |
320. |
Experiences of Women of Color in an Elite US Public School |
Catherine Simpson Bueker |
1st ed. 2017 |
321. |
Experimental Psychology and Human Agency |
Davood Gozli |
1st ed. 2019 |
322. |
Explorations in Technology Education Research |
P John Williams, David Barlex |
1st ed. 2019 |
323. |
Explorations into Chinese as a Second Language |
Istvan Kecskes |
1st ed. 2017 |
324. |
Exploring Contemporary Issues in Sexuality Education with Young People |
Kathleen Quinlivan |
1st ed. 2018 |
325. |
Exploring Empathy with Medical Students |
David Ian Jeffrey |
1st ed. 2019 |
326. |
Exploring Language Aptitude: Views from Psychology, the Language Sciences, and Cognitive Neuroscience |
Susanne M. Reiterer |
1st ed. 2018 |
327. |
Exploring the Integer Addition and Subtraction Landscape |
Laura Bofferding, Nicole M. Wessman-Enzinger |
1st ed. 2018 |
328. |
Exploring the Mathematical Education of Teachers Using TEDS-M Data |
Maria Teresa Tatto, Michael C. Rodriguez, Wendy M. Smith, Mark D. Reckase, Kiril Bankov |
1st ed. 2018 |
329. |
Exporting Transnational Education |
Vangelis Tsiligiris, William Lawton |
1st ed. 2018 |
330. |
Faculty Development in Chinese Higher Education |
Xudong Zhu, Jian Li |
1st ed. 2019 |
331. |
Faith Schools, Tolerance and Diversity |
Helen Everett, Jan Germen Janmaat, Edward Vickers, Henry Everett |
1st ed. 2018 |
332. |
Families and Technology |
Jennifer Van Hook, Susan M. McHale, Valarie King |
1st ed. 2018 |
333. |
Families and Transition to School |
Sue Dockett, Wilfried Griebel, Bob Perry |
1st ed. 2017 |
334. |
Family Contexts of Sleep and Health Across the Life Course |
Susan M. McHale, Valarie King, Orfeu M. Buxton |
1st ed. 2017 |
335. |
Family Systems and Global Humanitarian Mental Health |
Laurie L. Charlés, Gameela Samarasinghe |
1st ed. 2019 |
336. |
Family, School, and Community Partnerships for Students with Disabilities |
Lusa Lo, Yaoying Xu |
1st ed. 2019 |
337. |
Fathering within and beyond the Failures of the State with Imagination, Work and Love |
Marta Sánchez |
338. |
Feelings and Emotion-Based Learning |
Jennifer A. Hawkins |
1st ed. 2017 |
339. |
Feminism and Intersectionality in Academia |
Stephanie Anne Shelton, Jill Ewing Flynn, Tanetha Jamay Grosland |
1st ed. 2018 |
340. |
Finding Her in History |
Rosemary Papa |
1st ed. 2017 |
341. |
Flagship Universities in Africa |
Damtew Teferra |
1st ed. 2017 |
342. |
Flipping Academic English Language Learning |
Erik Voss, Ilka Kostka |
1st ed. 2019 |
343. |
Flocking Together: An Indigenous Psychology Theory of Resilience in Southern Africa |
Liesel Ebersöhn |
1st ed. 2019 |
344. |
Fomenting Political Violence |
Steffen Krüger, Karl Figlio, Barry Richards |
1st ed. 2018 |
345. |
Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education |
Paula Winke, Susan M. Gass |
1st ed. 2019 |
346. |
Foreign Language Teaching in Romanian Higher Education |
Lucia-Mihaela Grosu-Rădulescu |
1st ed. 2018 |
347. |
Forging Solidarity |
Astrid von Kotze, Shirley Walters |
348. |
Formative Assessment in United States Classrooms |
Cathy Box |
1st ed. 2019 |
349. |
Former Foster Youth in Postsecondary Education |
Jacob P. Gross |
1st ed. 2019 |
350. |
Form-Function Mapping in Content-Based Language Teaching |
Magdalena Walenta |
1st ed. 2019 |
351. |
Fostering Critical Thinking Through Collaborative Group Work |
Dennis Chun-Lok Fung, Tim Weijun Liang |
1st ed. 2019 |
352. |
Foucault as Educator |
Stephen J. Ball |
353. |
Foundations and Trends in Smart Learning |
Maiga Chang, Elvira Popescu, Kinshuk, Nian-Shing Chen, Mohamed Jemni, Ronghuai Huang, J. Michael Spector, Demetrios G. Sampson |
1st ed. 2019 |
354. |
Foundations of Yoga Psychology |
K. Ramakrishna Rao |
1st ed. 2017 |
355. |
Freud and Philosophy of Mind, Volume 1 |
Jerome C. Wakefield |
1st ed. 2018 |
356. |
Freud for the Twenty-First Century |
Robert Samuels |
1st ed. 2019 |
357. |
From Exclusion to Excellence |
Michal Razer, Victor J. Friedman |
358. |
From Methodology to Methods in Human Psychology |
Jaan Valsiner |
1st ed. 2017 |
359. |
Frontiers of Cyberlearning |
J. Michael Spector, Vivekanandan Kumar, Alfred Essa, Yueh-Min Huang, Rob Koper, Richard A. W. Tortorella, Ting-Wen Chang, Yanyan Li, Zhizhen Zhang |
1st ed. 2018 |
360. |
Future Directions in Well-Being |
Mathew A White, Gavin R. Slemp, A. Simon Murray |
1st ed. 2017 |
361. |
Gay Liberation to Campus Assimilation |
Patrick Dilley |
1st ed. 2019 |
362. |
Gender and the Changing Face of Higher Education in Asia Pacific |
Deane E. Neubauer, Surinderpal Kaur |
1st ed. 2019 |
363. |
Giorgio Agamben: Education Without Ends |
Igor Jasinski |
1st ed. 2018 |
364. |
Global Higher Education Shared Communities |
Jian Li |
1st ed. 2019 |
365. |
Global Mental Health |
Sabine Bährer-Kohler, Francisco Javier Carod-Artal |
1st ed. 2017 |
366. |
Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools |
Michael T. Buchanan, Adrian-Mario Gellel |
1st ed. 2019 |
367. |
Globalisation and Historiography of National Leaders |
Joseph Zajda, Tatyana Tsyrlina-Spady, Michael Lovorn |
1st ed. 2017 |
368. |
Globalisation and National Identity in History Textbooks |
Joseph Zajda |
1st ed. 2017 |
369. |
Globalisation, Human Rights Education and Reforms |
Joseph Zajda, Sev Ozdowski |
1st ed. 2017 |
370. |
Globalization and Change in Higher Education |
Beverly Barrett |
1st ed. 2017 |
371. |
Globalization, Mass Education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training |
Miriam Preckler Galguera |
1st ed. 2018 |
372. |
Governing through Standards: the Faceless Masters of Higher Education |
Katja Brøgger |
1st ed. 2019 |
373. |
Group Therapy with Children |
Alfons Aichinger, Walter Holl |
1st ed. 2017 |
374. |
Handbook of Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Assessment |
Johnny L. Matson |
1st ed. 2018 |
375. |
Handbook of Children and Prejudice |
Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Deborah J. Johnson, Desiree Baolian Qin, Francisco A. Villarruel, John Norder |
1st ed. 2019 |
376. |
Handbook of Emotional Development |
Vanessa LoBue, Koraly Pérez-Edgar, Kristin A. Buss |
1st ed. 2019 |
377. |
Handbook of Indigenous Education |
Elizabeth Ann McKinley, Linda Tuhiwai Smith |
1st ed. 2019 |
378. |
Handbook of Innovative Career Counselling |
Jacobus G. Maree |
1st ed. 2019 |
379. |
Handbook of Interdisciplinary Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Robert D. Rieske |
1st ed. 2019 |
380. |
Handbook of Islamic Education |
Holger Daun, Reza Arjmand |
1st ed. 2018 |
381. |
Handbook of Literacy in Akshara Orthography |
R. Malatesha Joshi, Catherine McBride |
1st ed. 2019 |
382. |
Handbook of Pain and Palliative Care |
Rhonda J. Moore |
2nd ed. 2018 |
383. |
Handbook of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy |
Larissa N. Niec |
1st ed. 2018 |
384. |
Handbook of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children on the Autism Spectrum |
Cheryl Bodiford McNeil, Lauren Borduin Quetsch, Cynthia M. Anderson |
1st ed. 2018 |
385. |
Handbook of Parent-Implemented Interventions for Very Young Children with Autism |
Michael Siller, Lindee Morgan |
1st ed. 2018 |
386. |
Handbook of Parenting and Child Development Across the Lifespan |
Matthew R. Sanders, Alina Morawska |
1st ed. 2018 |
387. |
Handbook of Pediatric Behavioral Healthcare |
Susan G. Forman, Jeffrey D. Shahidullah |
1st ed. 2018 |
388. |
Handbook of Positive Psychology in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
Karrie A. Shogren, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Nirbhay N. Singh |
1st ed. 2017 |
389. |
Handbook of Rehabilitation in Older Adults |
Robert J. Gatchel, Izabela Z. Schultz, Christopher T. Ray |
1st ed. 2018 |
390. |
Handbook of Rural School Mental Health |
Kurt D. Michael, John Paul Jameson |
1st ed. 2017 |
391. |
Handbook of Sex Trafficking |
Lenore Walker, Giselle Gaviria, Kalyani Gopal |
1st ed. 2018 |
392. |
Handbook of Social Behavior and Skills in Children |
Johnny L. Matson |
1st ed. 2017 |
393. |
Handbook of Social Skills and Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Justin B. Leaf |
1st ed. 2017 |
394. |
Handbook of Suicidal Behaviour |
Updesh Kumar |
1st ed. 2017 |
395. |
Handbook of the Psychology of Self-Forgiveness |
Lydia Woodyatt, Everett L. Worthington, Jr., Michael Wenzel, Brandon J. Griffin |
1st ed. 2017 |
396. |
Handbook of Trait Narcissism |
Anthony D. Hermann, Amy B. Brunell, Joshua D. Foster |
1st ed. 2018 |
397. |
Handbook of Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Johnny L. Matson |
1st ed. 2017 |
398. |
Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Aging and Dementia |
Lisa D. Ravdin, Heather L. Katzen |
2nd ed. 2019 |
399. |
Hans-Georg Gadamer |
Jon Nixon |
1st ed. 2017 |
400. |
Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, the Film Director as Critical Thinker |
R. J. Cardullo |
401. |
Health, Safety and Well-Being of Workers in the Informal Sector in India |
Sigamani Panneer, Sanghmitra S. Acharya, Nagarajan Sivakami |
1st ed. 2019 |
402. |
Higher Education Access in the Asia Pacific |
Christopher S. Collins, Prompilai Buasuwan |
1st ed. 2017 |
403. |
Higher Education and Belief Systems in the Asia Pacific Region |
Alexander Jun, Christopher S. Collins |
1st ed. 2019 |
404. |
Higher Education and Hope |
Paul Gibbs, Andrew Peterson |
1st ed. 2019 |
405. |
Higher Education and Regional Development |
Rómulo Pinheiro, Mitchell Young, Karel Šima |
1st ed. 2018 |
406. |
Higher Education and Social Justice |
Leonie Rowan |
1st ed. 2019 |
407. |
Higher Education Discourse and Deconstruction |
Neil Cocks |
1st ed. 2017 |
408. |
Higher Education Governance in East Asia |
Jung Cheol Shin |
1st ed. 2018 |
409. |
Higher Education in China |
Jianmin Gu, Xueping Li, Lihua Wang |
1st ed. 2018 |
410. |
Higher Education in Ireland, 1922–2016 |
John Walsh |
1st ed. 2018 |
411. |
Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution |
Nancy W. Gleason |
1st ed. 2018 |
412. |
Higher Education in the High North |
Marit Sundet, Per-Anders Forstorp, Anders Örtenblad |
1st ed. 2017 |
413. |
Higher Education under Late Capitalism |
Jeffrey R. Di Leo |
1st ed. 2017 |
414. |
Higher Education, Globalization and Eduscapes |
Per-Anders Forstorp, Ulf Mellström |
1st ed. 2018 |
415. |
Higher Education, Youth and Migration in Contexts of Disadvantage |
Faith Mkwananzi |
1st ed. 2019 |
416. |
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research |
Michael B. Paulsen, Laura W. Perna |
1st ed. 2019 |
417. |
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research |
Michael B. Paulsen |
1st ed. 2018 |
418. |
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research |
Michael B. Paulsen |
1st ed. 2017 |
419. |
High-Stakes Testing |
David Coniam, Peter Falvey |
1st ed. 2018 |
420. |
History Education and Conflict Transformation |
Charis Psaltis, Mario Carretero, Sabina Čehajić-Clancy |
1st ed. 2017 |
421. |
Home-School Relations |
Yan Guo |
1st ed. 2018 |
422. |
Homo Ludens as a Comic Character in Selected American Films |
Artur Skweres |
1st ed. 2017 |
423. |
How School Leaders Contribute to Student Success |
Kenneth Leithwood, Jingping Sun, Katina Pollock |
1st ed. 2017 |
424. |
Human Agency at Work |
Dr. Michael Goller |
1st ed. 2017 |
425. |
Human Rights in Higher Education |
Lindsey N. Kingston |
1st ed. 2018 |
426. |
Humanistic Pedagogy Across the Disciplines |
Amy E. Traver, Dan Leshem |
1st ed. 2018 |
427. |
Humor at Work in Teams, Leadership, Negotiations, Learning and Health |
Tabea Scheel, Christine Gockel |
1st ed. 2017 |
428. |
Impeding Bullying Among Young Children in International Group Contexts |
Blythe F. Hinitz |
1st ed. 2018 |
429. |
Implications of Open Access Repositories Quality Criteria and Features for Teachers’ TPACK Development |
Rita Tavares, António Moreira |
1st ed. 2017 |
430. |
Inclusion, Disability and Culture |
Santoshi Halder, Lori Czop Assaf |
1st ed. 2017 |
431. |
Inclusion, Epistemic Democracy and International Students |
Aneta Hayes |
1st ed. 2019 |
432. |
Inclusive Education |
Vicky Plows, Ben Whitburn |
433. |
Inclusive Education in African Contexts |
Nareadi Phasha, Dikeledi Mahlo, George J. Sefa Dei |
434. |
Inclusive Mathematics Education |
David Kollosche, Renato Marcone, Michel Knigge, Miriam Godoy Penteado, Ole Skovsmose |
1st ed. 2019 |
435. |
Indian Perspectives on Workplace Bullying |
Premilla D'Cruz, Ernesto Noronha, Avina Mendonca, Nidhi Mishra |
1st ed. 2018 |
436. |
Indigenous Psychologies in an Era of Decolonization |
Nuria Ciofalo |
1st ed. 2019 |
437. |
Individual and Social Influences on Professional Learning |
Hans Gruber, Christian Harteis |
1st ed. 2018 |
438. |
Industry Integrated Engineering and Computing Education |
Mahmoud Abdulwahed, Abdelaziz Bouras, Laurent Veillard |
1st ed. 2019 |
439. |
Inequality in Public School Admission in Urban China |
Jing Liu |
1st ed. 2018 |
440. |
Informational Environments |
Jürgen Buder, Friedrich W. Hesse |
1st ed. 2017 |
441. |
Inner Experience of the Chinese People |
Xiaohong Zhou |
1st ed. 2017 |
442. |
Innovation and Accountability in Teacher Education |
Claire Wyatt-Smith, Lenore Adie |
1st ed. 2018 |
443. |
Innovation and Technology Enhancing Mathematics Education |
Eleonora Faggiano, Francesca Ferrara, Antonella Montone |
1st ed. 2017 |
444. |
Innovative Practices in Language Teacher Education |
Tammy S. Gregersen, Peter D. MacIntyre |
1st ed. 2017 |
445. |
Inquiry-Based Learning - Undergraduate Research |
Harald A. Mieg |
1st ed. 2019 |
446. |
Inside the Mathematics Class |
Uwe Gellert, Christine Knipping, Hauke Straehler-Pohl |
1st ed. 2018 |
447. |
Inside Today’s Elementary Schools |
James J. Dillon |
1st ed. 2019 |
448. |
Instructional Design Principles for High-Stakes Problem-Solving Environments |
Chwee Beng Lee, José Hanham, Jimmie Leppink |
1st ed. 2019 |
449. |
Integration of Vocational Education and Training Experiences |
Sarojni Choy, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Viveca Lindberg |
1st ed. 2018 |
450. |
Intercultural Communication in Asia: Education, Language and Values |
Andy Curtis, Roland Sussex |
1st ed. 2018 |
451. |
Intercultural Experience and Identity |
Lily Lei Ye |
1st ed. 2018 |
452. |
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Pedagogy and Place-Based Education |
Deric Shannon, Jeffery Galle |
1st ed. 2017 |
453. |
Interdisciplinary Design of Game-based Learning Platforms |
Fengfeng Ke, Valerie Shute, Kathleen M. Clark, Gordon Erlebacher |
1st ed. 2019 |
454. |
Interdisciplinary Mathematics Education |
Brian Doig, Julian Williams, David Swanson, Rita Borromeo Ferri, Pat Drake |
1st ed. 2019 |
455. |
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Fairness, Equity, and Justice |
Meng Li, David P. Tracer |
1st ed. 2017 |
456. |
Interface Development for Learning Environments |
Joseph Frantiska Jr. |
1st ed. 2019 |
457. |
Interfaces between Mathematical Practices and Mathematical Education |
Gert Schubring |
1st ed. 2019 |
458. |
International Graduates Returning to Vietnam |
Lien Pham |
1st ed. 2019 |
459. |
International Handbook for Policy Research on School-Based Counseling |
John C. Carey, Belinda Harris, Sang Min Lee, Oyaziwo Aluede |
1st ed. 2017 |
460. |
International Handbook of Mathematical Learning Difficulties |
Annemarie Fritz, Vitor Geraldi Haase, Pekka Räsänen |
1st ed. 2019 |
461. |
International Handbook of Philosophy of Education |
Paul Smeyers |
1st ed. 2018 |
462. |
International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Geometry in Secondary Schools |
Patricio Herbst, Ui Hock Cheah, Philippe R. Richard, Keith Jones |
1st ed. 2018 |
463. |
International Research, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education |
Jean Murray, Anja Swennen, Clare Kosnik |
1st ed. 2019 |
464. |
International Students in China |
Fred Dervin, Xiangyun Du, Anu Härkönen |
1st ed. 2018 |
465. |
Internationalisation in Vietnamese Higher Education |
Ly Thi Tran, Simon Marginson |
1st ed. 2018 |
466. |
Internationalization in Vocational Education and Training |
Ly Thi Tran, Kate Dempsey |
1st ed. 2017 |
467. |
Internationalizing Curriculum Studies |
Cristyne Hébert, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, Awad Ibrahim, Bryan Smith |
1st ed. 2019 |
468. |
Interpersonal Argumentation in Educational and Professional Contexts |
Francesco Arcidiacono, Antonio Bova |
1st ed. 2017 |
469. |
Interprofessional Care and Mental Health |
Cordet Smart, Timothy Auburn |
1st ed. 2018 |
470. |
Interreligous Pedagogy |
Jung Eun Sophia Park, Emily S. Wu |
1st ed. 2018 |
471. |
Interrogating Belonging for Young People in Schools |
Christine Halse |
1st ed. 2018 |
472. |
Interrogating the Anthropocene |
jan jagodzinski |
1st ed. 2018 |
473. |
Intervening After Violence |
Clarissa Sammut Scerri, Arlene Vetere, Angela Abela, Jan Cooper |
1st ed. 2017 |
474. |
Interventions in Career Design and Education |
Valérie Cohen-Scali, Jacques Pouyaud, Marek Podgórny, Violetta Drabik-Podgórna , Gabriela Aisenson, Jean Luc Bernaud, Issa Abdou Moumoula, Jean Guichard |
1st ed. 2018 |
475. |
Interweaving Tapestries of Culture and Sexuality in the Caribbean |
Karen Carpenter |
1st ed. 2017 |
476. |
Investigating the Role of Test Methods in Testing Reading Comprehension |
Jufang Kong |
1st ed. 2019 |
477. |
Irrepressible Truth |
Adrian Johnston |
1st ed. 2017 |
478. |
Islamic Schooling in the West |
Mohamad Abdalla, Dylan Chown, Muhammad Abdullah |
1st ed. 2018 |
479. |
Islamic Schools in France |
Carine Bourget |
1st ed. 2019 |
480. |
Jacques Lacan and American Sociology |
Duane Rousselle |
1st ed. 2019 |
481. |
Japanese Education in a Global Age |
Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Yuto Kitamura, Beverley Yamamoto, Tomoko Tokunaga |
1st ed. 2018 |
482. |
John Holt |
Adam Dickerson |
1st ed. 2019 |
483. |
Joint Models of Neural and Behavioral Data |
Brandon M. Turner, Birte U. Forstmann, Mark Steyvers |
1st ed. 2019 |
484. |
Judith Butler, Race and Education |
Charlotte Chadderton |
1st ed. 2018 |
485. |
Kenyan Youth Education in Colonial and Post-Colonial Times |
Peter Otiato Ojiambo |
1st ed. 2017 |
486. |
Kidnapping and Violence |
Stephen Morewitz |
1st ed. 2019 |
487. |
Knowing, Not-Knowing, and Jouissance |
Raul Moncayo |
1st ed. 2018 |
488. |
Knowledge and Change in African Universities |
Michael Cross, Amasa Ndofirepi |
489. |
Knowledge and Change in African Universities |
Michael Cross, Amasa Ndofirepi |
490. |
L2 Learning During Study Abroad |
Yoshifumi Fukada |
1st ed. 2019 |
491. |
Language and Communication in Mathematics Education |
Judit N. Moschkovich, David Wagner, Arindam Bose, Jackeline Rodrigues Mendes, Marcus Schütte |
1st ed. 2018 |
492. |
Language Policy and Language Acquisition Planning |
Maarja Siiner, Francis M. Hult, Tanja Kupisch |
1st ed. 2018 |
493. |
Language Policy Beyond the State |
Maarja Siiner, Kadri Koreinik, Kara D. Brown |
1st ed. 2017 |
494. |
Languages other than English in Australian Higher Education |
Jennifer Joan Baldwin |
1st ed. 2019 |
495. |
Latinx Immigrants |
Patricia Arredondo |
1st ed. 2018 |
496. |
Leader Development Deconstructed |
Matthew G. Clark, Craig W. Gruber |
1st ed. 2017 |
497. |
Leaders and Leadership in Serbian Primary Schools |
Jelena Raković, Tom O'Donoghue, Simon Clarke |
1st ed. 2019 |
498. |
Leadership and Literacy |
Neil Dempster, Tony Townsend, Greer Johnson, Anne Bayetto, Susan Lovett, Elizabeth Stevens |
1st ed. 2017 |
499. |
Learning by Going: Transformative Learning through Long-term Independent Travel |
Birgit Phillips |
1st ed. 2019 |
500. |
Learning Cities |
Sue Nichols, Stephen Dobson |
1st ed. 2018 |
501. |
Learning from Dynamic Visualization |
Richard Lowe, Rolf Ploetzner |
1st ed. 2017 |
502. |
Learning Geography Beyond the Traditional Classroom |
Chew-Hung Chang, Bing Sheng Wu, Tricia Seow, Kim Irvine |
1st ed. 2018 |
503. |
Learning In a Networked Society |
Yael Kali, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Amit M. Schejter |
1st ed. 2019 |
504. |
Learning in Work |
Raymond Smith |
1st ed. 2018 |
505. |
Learning Mathematics in a Mobile App-Supported Math Trail Environment |
Adi Nur Cahyono |
1st ed. 2018 |
506. |
Learning Portuguese as a Second Language |
Sandra Figueiredo |
1st ed. 2017 |
507. |
Learning Strategies in Engineering Mathematics |
Birgit Griese |
1st ed. 2017 |
508. |
Learning Technologies for Transforming Large-Scale Teaching, Learning, and Assessment |
Demetrios Sampson, J. Michael Spector, Dirk Ifenthaler, Pedro Isaías, Stylianos Sergis |
1st ed. 2019 |
509. |
Learning Through School Science Investigation |
Azra Moeed, Dayle Anderson |
1st ed. 2018 |
510. |
Learning to Embed Sustainability in Teacher Education |
Jo-Anne Ferreira, Neus (Snowy) Evans, Julie M. Davis, Robert (Bob) Stevenson |
1st ed. 2019 |
511. |
Librarians in Schools as Literacy Educators |
Margaret Kristin Merga |
1st ed. 2019 |
512. |
Life on the Autism Spectrum |
Matthew Bennett, Amanda A. Webster, Emma Goodall, Susannah Rowland |
1st ed. 2018 |
513. |
Lines of Inquiry in Mathematical Modelling Research in Education |
Gloria Ann Stillman, Jill P. Brown |
1st ed. 2019 |
514. |
Literacy Unbound: Multiliterate, Multilingual, Multimodal |
Toni Dobinson, Katie Dunworth |
1st ed. 2019 |
515. |
Literature, Pedagogy, and Curriculum in Secondary Education |
M. Martin Guiney |
1st ed. 2017 |
516. |
Living the Stories We Create |
Ellen McCabe |
1st ed. 2018 |
517. |
Looming Vulnerability |
John H. Riskind, Neil A. Rector |
1st ed. 2018 |
518. |
Low-Fat Love Stories |
Patricia Leavy, Victoria Scotti |
519. |
Madness and Genetic Determinism |
Patrick D. Hahn |
1st ed. 2019 |
520. |
Magical Thinking in Severe Grief Reactions |
Christian Lönneker |
1st ed. 2018 |
521. |
Major Challenges Facing Higher Education in the Arab World: Quality Assurance and Relevance |
Adnan Badran, Elias Baydoun, John R. Hillman |
1st ed. 2019 |
522. |
Making Education: Material School Design and Educational Governance |
Ian Grosvenor, Lisa Rosén Rasmussen |
1st ed. 2018 |
523. |
Making Meaning by Making Connections |
Kathy L. Schuh |
1st ed. 2017 |
524. |
Male Eating Disorders |
Russell Delderfield |
1st ed. 2018 |
525. |
Managing Universities |
Ivar Bleiklie, Jürgen Enders, Benedetto Lepori |
1st ed. 2017 |
526. |
Mapping out the Research Field of Adult Education and Learning |
Andreas Fejes, Erik Nylander |
1st ed. 2019 |
527. |
Masculinity, Class and Music Education |
Clare Hall |
1st ed. 2018 |
528. |
Massification of Higher Education in Asia |
Alfred M. Wu, John N. Hawkins |
1st ed. 2018 |
529. |
Masters of Mathematics |
Robert A. Nowlan |
530. |
Material Practice and Materiality: Too Long Ignored in Science Education |
Catherine Milne, Kathryn Scantlebury |
1st ed. 2019 |
531. |
Mathematical Learning and Cognition in Early Childhood |
Katherine M. Robinson, Helena P. Osana, Donna Kotsopoulos |
1st ed. 2019 |
532. |
Mathematical Literacy on Statistical Measures |
Christian Büscher |
1st ed. 2018 |
533. |
Mathematical Modelling for Teachers |
Jürgen Maaß, Niamh O’Meara, Patrick Johnson, John O’Donoghue |
1st ed. 2018 |
534. |
Mathematical Problem Solving |
Peter Liljedahl, Manuel Santos-Trigo |
1st ed. 2019 |
535. |
Mathematics and Technology |
Gilles Aldon, Fernando Hitt, Luciana Bazzini, Uwe Gellert |
1st ed. 2017 |
536. |
Mathematics Education in Brazil |
Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro, Lulu Healy, Rute Elizabete de Souza Rosa Borba, Solange Hassan Ahmad Ali Fernandes |
1st ed. 2018 |
537. |
Mathematics Education in Singapore |
Tin Lam Toh, Berinderjeet Kaur, Eng Guan Tay |
1st ed. 2019 |
538. |
Mathematics Education in the Early Years |
Christiane Benz, Anna S. Steinweg, Hedwig Gasteiger, Priska Schöner, Helene Vollmuth, Johanna Zöllner |
1st ed. 2018 |
539. |
Mathematics Teacher Education in the Andean Region and Paraguay |
Yuriko Yamamoto Baldin, Uldarico Malaspina |
1st ed. 2018 |
540. |
Mathematics, Education and History |
Kathleen M. Clark, Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen, Sebastian Schorcht, Constantinos Tzanakis |
1st ed. 2018 |
541. |
Mediation in Collective Labor Conflicts |
Martin C. Euwema, Francisco J. Medina, Ana Belén García, Erica Romero Pender |
1st ed. 2019 |
542. |
Medicalizing Counselling |
Tom Strong |
1st ed. 2017 |
543. |
Memory and Technology |
Jason R. Finley, Farah Naaz, Francine W. Goh |
1st ed. 2018 |
544. |
Memory Mosaics: Researching Teacher Professional Learning Through Artful Memory-work |
Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, Daisy Pillay, Claudia Mitchell |
1st ed. 2019 |
545. |
Men in Early Childhood Education and Care |
Jo Warin |
1st ed. 2018 |
546. |
Mental Health and Illness in the City |
Niels Okkels, Christina Blanner Kristiansen, Povl Munk-Jørgensen |
1st ed. 2017 |
547. |
Mental Health and Illness of the Elderly |
Helen Chiu, Kenneth Shulman |
1st ed. 2017 |
548. |
Mental Health of Refugee and Conflict-Affected Populations |
Nexhmedin Morina, Angela Nickerson |
1st ed. 2018 |
549. |
Method Matters in Psychology |
Brian D. Haig |
1st ed. 2018 |
550. |
Methodologies of Mediation in Professional Learning |
Lily Orland-Barak, Ditza Maskit |
1st ed. 2017 |
551. |
Military Identity and the Transition into Civilian Life |
Kevin M Wilson-Smith, Philip J Corr |
1st ed. 2019 |
552. |
Mind, Brain and Technology |
Thomas D. Parsons, Lin Lin, Deborah Cockerham |
1st ed. 2019 |
553. |
Mindfulness for the High Performance World |
C. Norman Coleman, Karolynn F. Coleman |
1st ed. 2019 |
554. |
Mindfulness in the Academy |
Narelle Lemon, Sharon McDonough |
1st ed. 2018 |
555. |
Modern Mathematics Education for Engineering Curricula in Europe |
Seppo Pohjolainen, Tuomas Myllykoski, Christian Mercat, Sergey Sosnovsky |
1st ed. 2018 |
556. |
Modern-Day Xenophobia |
Oksana Yakushko |
1st ed. 2018 |
557. |
Monitoring the Quality of Education in Schools |
Vanessa Scherman, Roel J. Bosker, Sarah J. Howie |
558. |
Multiculturalism, Multilingualism and the Self |
Danuta Gabryś-Barker, Dagmara Gałajda, Adam Wojtaszek, Paweł Zakrajewski |
1st ed. 2017 |
559. |
Multilingual Education Yearbook 2019 |
Indika Liyanage, Tony Walker |
1st ed. 2019 |
560. |
Multiple Representations in Physics Education |
David F. Treagust, Reinders Duit, Hans E. Fischer |
1st ed. 2017 |
561. |
Music Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
Alessandro Antonietti, Barbara Colombo, Braelyn R. DeRocher |
1st ed. 2018 |
562. |
Music Learning and Teaching in Culturally and Socially Diverse Contexts |
Georgina Barton |
1st ed. 2018 |
563. |
Muslims, Schooling and Security |
Shamim Miah |
1st ed. 2017 |
564. |
Narrative Interventions in Post-modern Guidance and Career Counseling |
Annamaria Di Fabio, Jean-Luc Bernaud |
1st ed. 2018 |
565. |
Narrative Landscapes of Female Sexuality in Africa |
Samantha van Schalkwyk |
1st ed. 2018 |
566. |
Narrative Medicine and Community-Based Health Care and Planning |
John W Murphy, Berkeley A. Franz, Jung Min Choi, Karen A. Callaghan |
1st ed. 2017 |
567. |
National Subcommissions of ICMI and their Role in the Reform of Mathematics Education |
Alexander Karp |
1st ed. 2019 |
568. |
Natural History Dioramas – Traditional Exhibits for Current Educational Themes |
Annette Scheersoi, Sue Dale Tunnicliffe |
1st ed. 2019 |
569. |
Natural History Dioramas – Traditional Exhibits for Current Educational Themes |
Annette Scheersoi, Sue Dale Tunnicliffe |
1st ed. 2019 |
570. |
Navigating the Changing Landscape of Formal and Informal Science Learning Opportunities |
Deborah Corrigan, Cathy Buntting, Alister Jones, John Loughran |
1st ed. 2018 |
571. |
Negotiating Diasporic Identity in Arab-Canadian Students |
Wisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar |
1st ed. 2019 |
572. |
Negotiating Neoliberalism |
Tim Rudd, Ivor F. Goodson |
573. |
Nelson Mandela |
Crain Soudien |
574. |
Neoliberal Education and the Redefinition of Democratic Practice in Chicago |
Kendall A. Taylor |
1st ed. 2018 |
575. |
Neoliberal Psychology |
Carl Ratner |
1st ed. 2019 |
576. |
Network Science In Education |
Catherine B. Cramer, Mason A. Porter, Hiroki Sayama, Lori Sheetz, Stephen Miles Uzzo |
1st ed. 2018 |
577. |
Networked Learning |
Nina Bonderup Dohn, Susan Cranmer, Julie-Ann Sime, Maarten de Laat, Thomas Ryberg |
1st ed. 2018 |
578. |
Neurocognitive Learning Therapy: Theory and Practice |
Theodore Wasserman, Lori Drucker Wasserman |
1st ed. 2017 |
579. |
New Directions for Computing Education |
Samuel B. Fee, Amanda M. Holland-Minkley, Thomas E. Lombardi |
1st ed. 2017 |
580. |
New Directions of STEM Research and Learning in the World Ranking Movement |
John N. Hawkins, Aki Yamada, Reiko Yamada, W. James Jacob |
1st ed. 2018 |
581. |
New Media for Educational Change |
Liping Deng, Will W. K. Ma, Cheuk Wai Rose Fong |
1st ed. 2018 |
582. |
New Trends in Psychobiography |
Claude-Hélène Mayer, Zoltan Kovary |
1st ed. 2019 |
583. |
Niklas Luhmann |
Claudio Baraldi, Giancarlo Corsi |
584. |
North-South University Research Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Gustavo Gregorutti, Nanette Svenson |
1st ed. 2018 |
585. |
Observational Filmmaking for Education |
Nigel Meager |
1st ed. 2019 |
586. |
Observing Homosexual and Gender Nonconformity Behaviors |
Michael Lambertus |
1st ed. 2018 |
587. |
Online Citizen Science and the Widening of Academia |
Vickie Curtis |
1st ed. 2018 |
588. |
Open and Distance Education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East |
Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Adnan Qayyum |
1st ed. 2019 |
589. |
Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas |
Adnan Qayyum, Olaf Zawacki-Richter |
1st ed. 2018 |
590. |
Open and Distance Education Theory Revisited |
Insung Jung |
1st ed. 2019 |
591. |
Open Education: from OERs to MOOCs |
Mohamed Jemni, Kinshuk, Mohamed Koutheair Khribi |
1st ed. 2017 |
592. |
Organizational Psychology and Evidence-Based Management |
Elaine Rabelo Neiva, Cláudio Vaz Torres, Helenides Mendonça |
1st ed. 2017 |
593. |
Outcomes Based Funding and Race in Higher Education |
Tiffany Jones, Sosanya Jones, Kayla C. Elliott, LaToya Russell Owens, Amanda E. Assalone, Denisa Gándara |
1st ed. 2017 |
594. |
Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2016 Conference Proceedings |
Quan Zhang |
1st ed. 2018 |
595. |
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with Toddlers |
Emma I. Girard, Nancy M. Wallace, Jane R. Kohlhoff, Susan S. J. Morgan, Cheryl B. McNeil |
1st ed. 2018 |
596. |
Participatory Action Research and Educational Development |
Huma Kidwai, Radhika Iyengar, Matthew A. Witenstein, Erik Jon Byker, Rohit Setty |
1st ed. 2017 |
597. |
Past, Present, and Future Possibilities for Philosophy and History of Education |
Stefan Ramaekers, Naomi Hodgson |
1st ed. 2018 |
598. |
Paulo Freire and Transformative Education |
Alethea Melling, Ruth Pilkington |
1st ed. 2018 |
599. |
PBL in Engineering Education |
Aida Guerra, Ronald Ulseth, Anette Kolmos |
600. |
Pedagogical Content Knowledge in STEM |
Stephen Miles Uzzo, Sherryl Browne Graves, Erin Shay, Marisa Harford, Robert Thompson |
1st ed. 2018 |
601. |
Pediatric Intellectual Disabilities at School |
Steven R. Shaw, Anna M. Jankowska |
1st ed. 2018 |
602. |
Perceptual Organization |
Stephen Handel |
1st ed. 2019 |
603. |
Performing Arts as High-Impact Practice |
Michelle Hayford, Susan Kattwinkel |
1st ed. 2018 |
604. |
Personalising Learning in Teacher Education |
Mellita Jones, Karen McLean |
1st ed. 2018 |
605. |
Personality in Nonhuman Animals |
Jennifer Vonk, Alexander Weiss, Stan A. Kuczaj |
1st ed. 2017 |
606. |
Perspectives on the Experience of Sudden, Unexpected Child Death |
Denise Turner |
1st ed. 2017 |
607. |
Philosophical Foundations of Education |
Siddheshwar Rameshwar Bhatt |
1st ed. 2018 |
608. |
Philosophy in Educational Research |
David Bridges |
1st ed. 2017 |
609. |
Physical Activity and Health Promotion in the Early Years |
Hannah Brewer, Mary Renck Jalongo |
1st ed. 2018 |
610. |
Physical Education and Wellbeing |
Timothy Lynch |
1st ed. 2019 |
611. |
Playing the PhD Game with Integrity |
John A Bowden, Pamela J Green |
1st ed. 2019 |
612. |
Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education |
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Camilla Björklund, Anne Kultti, Hanna Palmér, Maria Magnusson, Susanne Thulin, Agneta Jonsson, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson |
1st ed. 2019 |
613. |
Pluralism in American Music Education Research |
Diana R. Dansereau, Jay Dorfman |
1st ed. 2018 |
614. |
Poetry and Pedagogy across the Lifespan |
Sandra Lee Kleppe, Angela Sorby |
1st ed. 2018 |
615. |
Policy Impacts on Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Indian Education |
Jatinder S. Bedi |
1st ed. 2018 |
616. |
Politics, Managerialism, and University Governance |
Wing-Wah Law |
1st ed. 2019 |
617. |
Polygamy, Women, and Higher Education |
Laura Parson |
1st ed. 2019 |
618. |
Portfolio Assessment for the Teaching and Learning of Writing |
Ricky Lam |
1st ed. 2018 |
619. |
Portraits of Everyday Literacy for Social Justice |
Susan Jones |
1st ed. 2018 |
620. |
Positive Psychological Intervention Design and Protocols for Multi-Cultural Contexts |
Llewellyn Ellardus Van Zyl, Sebastiaan Rothmann Sr. |
1st ed. 2019 |
621. |
Positive Psychology in the Middle East/North Africa |
Louise Lambert, Nausheen Pasha-Zaidi |
1st ed. 2019 |
622. |
Postgraduate Education in Higher Education |
Ronel Erwee, Meredith A. Harmes, Marcus K. Harmes, Patrick Alan Danaher |
1st ed. 2018 |
623. |
Posthumanism and Higher Education |
Carol A. Taylor, Annouchka Bayley |
1st ed. 2019 |
624. |
Poverty Reduction, Education, and the Global Diffusion of Conditional Cash Transfers |
Michelle Morais de Sá e Silva |
1st ed. 2017 |
625. |
Power and Identity in the Struggle for Social Justice |
Sandy Lazarus |
1st ed. 2018 |
626. |
Practicing Transcendence |
Christopher Peet |
1st ed. 2019 |
627. |
Practitioner's Guide to Ethics and Mindfulness-Based Interventions |
Lynette M. Monteiro, Jane F. Compson, Frank Musten |
1st ed. 2017 |
628. |
Precarity and Vocational Education and Training |
Maria-Carmen Pantea |
1st ed. 2019 |
629. |
Preparing Informal Science Educators |
Patricia G. Patrick |
1st ed. 2017 |
630. |
Preschool Bilingual Education |
Mila Schwartz |
1st ed. 2018 |
631. |
Pre-Service Teacher Education and Induction in Southwest China |
Ju Huang |
1st ed. 2018 |
632. |
Preventing Fatal Incidents in School and Youth Group Camps and Excursions |
Andrew Brookes |
1st ed. 2018 |
633. |
Primary Science Education in East Asia |
Yew-Jin Lee, Jason Tan |
1st ed. 2018 |
634. |
Principles and Concepts of Behavioral Medicine |
Edwin B. Fisher, Linda D. Cameron, Alan J. Christensen, Ulrike Ehlert, Yan Guo, Brian Oldenburg, Frank J. Snoek |
1st ed. 2018 |
635. |
Principles of Transversality in Globalization and Education |
David R. Cole, Joff P.N. Bradley |
1st ed. 2018 |
636. |
Principles, Practices, and Creative Tensions in Progressive Higher Education |
Katherine Jelly, Alan Mandell |
637. |
Private Education in China |
Haitao Zhou, Qiang Liu, Jing Tian, Qian Li |
1st ed. 2018 |
638. |
Private Schools and School Choice in Compulsory Education |
Thomas Koinzer, Rita Nikolai, Florian Waldow |
1st ed. 2017 |
639. |
Proactive Images for Pre-Service Teachers |
Jeremy Delamarter |
1st ed. 2019 |
640. |
Problem Behavior Theory and the Social Context |
Richard Jessor |
1st ed. 2017 |
641. |
Problem-based Language Learning and Teaching |
Loghman Ansarian, Mei Lin Teoh |
1st ed. 2018 |
642. |
Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education |
Carina Bossu, Natalie Brown |
1st ed. 2018 |
643. |
Professional Development for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching and Learning |
Olia E. Tsivitanidou, Peter Gray, Eliza Rybska, Loucas Louca, Costas P. Constantinou |
1st ed. 2018 |
644. |
Professional Error Competence of Preservice Teachers |
Eveline Wuttke, Jürgen Seifried |
1st ed. 2017 |
645. |
Professional Identities in Initial Teacher Education |
Denise Mifsud |
1st ed. 2018 |
646. |
Professional Learning in the Work Place for International Students |
Georgina Barton, Kay Hartwig |
1st ed. 2017 |
647. |
Professionalism and Teacher Education |
Amanda Gutierrez, Jillian Fox, Colette Alexander |
1st ed. 2019 |
648. |
Professionalism in Practice |
Kay Sambell, Sally Brown, Linda Graham |
1st ed. 2017 |
649. |
Project Management in Schools |
Miri Yemini, Izhar Oplatka, Netta Sagie |
1st ed. 2018 |
650. |
Promoting Career Development after Personal Injury |
James A. Athanasou |
651. |
Promoting Language and STEAM as Human Rights in Education |
Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite |
1st ed. 2019 |
652. |
Pronunciation Learning Strategies and Language Anxiety |
Magdalena Szyszka |
1st ed. 2017 |
653. |
Protections of Tenure and Academic Freedom in the United States |
Matthew J Hertzog |
1st ed. 2017 |
654. |
Psychological Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in the Banking Sector |
Elizabeth George, Zakkariya K.A. |
1st ed. 2018 |
655. |
Psychological Perspectives on Diversity and Social Development |
Janak Pandey, Rashmi Kumar, Komilla Thapa |
1st ed. 2019 |
656. |
Psychological Perspectives on Risk and Risk Analysis |
Martina Raue, Eva Lermer, Bernhard Streicher |
1st ed. 2018 |
657. |
Psychologies of Ageing |
Elizabeth Peel, Carol Holland, Michael Murray |
1st ed. 2018 |
658. |
Psychology in Brazil |
Silvia Helena Koller |
1st ed. 2019 |
659. |
Psychology in Latin America |
Rubén Ardila |
1st ed. 2018 |
660. |
Psychology of Retention |
Melinde Coetzee, Ingrid L. Potgieter, Nadia Ferreira |
1st ed. 2018 |
661. |
Psychology’s Misuse of Statistics and Persistent Dismissal of its Critics |
James T. Lamiell |
1st ed. 2019 |
662. |
Psychosocial Risks in Labour and Social Security Law |
Loïc Lerouge |
1st ed. 2017 |
663. |
Purloined Organs |
H.A.E. Zwart |
1st ed. 2019 |
664. |
Quality Learning |
Kathy Smith, John Loughran |
665. |
Quantum Theory and Free Will |
Henry P. Stapp |
1st ed. 2017 |
666. |
Queering Critical Literacy and Numeracy for Social Justice |
Summer Melody Pennell |
1st ed. 2019 |
667. |
Questioning the Assessment of Research Impact |
Rhodri Thomas |
1st ed. 2018 |
668. |
Radical Collegiality through Student Voice |
Roseanna Bourke, Judith Loveridge |
1st ed. 2018 |
669. |
Raging against the Mass-Schooling Machine |
Andrew Miller |
670. |
Reading Achievement and Motivation in Boys and Girls |
Pelusa Orellana García, Paula Baldwin Lind |
1st ed. 2018 |
671. |
Reading and Dyslexia |
Thomas Lachmann, Tina Weis |
1st ed. 2018 |
672. |
REBT in the Treatment of Subclinical and Clinical Depression |
Diana Cândea, Simona Stefan, Silviu Matu, Cristina Mogoase, Felicia Iftene, Daniel David, Aurora Szentagotai |
1st ed. 2018 |
673. |
REBT with Diverse Client Problems and Populations |
Windy Dryden, Michael E. Bernard |
1st ed. 2019 |
674. |
Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age |
Allison Littlejohn, Nina Hood |
1st ed. 2018 |
675. |
Reconciliation and Social Healing in Afghanistan |
Heela Najibullah |
1st ed. 2017 |
676. |
Reconstructing Identity |
Nicholas Monk, Mia Lindgren, Sarah McDonald, Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou |
1st ed. 2017 |
677. |
Recruiting International Students in Higher Education |
Sylvie Lomer |
1st ed. 2017 |
678. |
Re-Engaging Young People with Education |
Simon Edwards |
1st ed. 2018 |
679. |
Re-envisioning Theoretical Psychology |
Thomas Teo |
1st ed. 2019 |
680. |
Reflections on Qualitative Research in Language and Literacy Education |
Seyyed-Abdolhamid Mirhosseini |
1st ed. 2017 |
681. |
Reforming Teaching and Teacher Education |
Eija Kimonen, Raimo Nevalainen |
682. |
Reframing Blackness and Black Solidarities through Anti-colonial and Decolonial Prisms |
George J. Sefa Dei |
1st ed. 2017 |
683. |
Refugee Background Students Transitioning Into Higher Education |
Loshini Naidoo, Jane Wilkinson, Misty Adoniou, Kiprono Langat |
1st ed. 2018 |
684. |
Reimagining Christian Education |
Johannes M. Luetz, Tony Dowden, Beverley Norsworthy |
1st ed. 2018 |
685. |
Re-imagining Professional Experience in Initial Teacher Education |
Ange Fitzgerald, Graham Parr, Judy Williams |
1st ed. 2018 |
686. |
Repositioning Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teachers’ Knowledge for Teaching Science |
Anne Hume, Rebecca Cooper, Andreas Borowski |
1st ed. 2019 |
687. |
Representing Communism After the Fall |
Cristian Tileagă |
1st ed. 2018 |
688. |
Research and Practice in Chemistry Education |
Madeleine Schultz, Siegbert Schmid, Gwendolyn A. Lawrie |
1st ed. 2019 |
689. |
Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education |
Kamden K. Strunk, Leslie Ann Locke |
1st ed. 2019 |
690. |
Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education |
Tassos Anastasios Mikropoulos |
1st ed. 2018 |
691. |
Research on Teacher Identity |
Paul A. Schutz, Ji Hong, Dionne Cross Francis |
1st ed. 2018 |
692. |
Research-Based Learning: Case Studies from Maastricht University |
Ellen Bastiaens, Jonathan van Tilburg, Jeroen van Merriënboer |
1st ed. 2017 |
693. |
Researching Conflict, Drama and Learning |
John O'Toole, Dale Bagshaw, Bruce Burton, Anita Grünbaum, Margret Lepp, Morag Morrison, Janet Pillai |
1st ed. 2019 |
694. |
Researching Dreams |
Michael Schredl |
1st ed. 2018 |
695. |
Researching the Global Education Industry |
Marcelo Parreira do Amaral, Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Christiane Thompson |
1st ed. 2019 |
696. |
Resilience and the Re-integration of Street Children and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Walters Mudoh Sanji |
1st ed. 2018 |
697. |
Resilience in Aging |
Barbara Resnick, Lisa P. Gwyther, Karen A. Roberto |
2nd ed. 2018 |
698. |
Resilience in Education |
Marold Wosnitza, Francisco Peixoto, Susan Beltman, Caroline F. Mansfield |
1st ed. 2018 |
699. |
Resistance in Everyday Life |
Nandita Chaudhary, Pernille Hviid, Giuseppina Marsico, Jakob Waag Villadsen |
1st ed. 2017 |
700. |
Resisting Education: A Cross-National Study on Systems and School Effects |
Jannick Demanet, Mieke Van Houtte |
1st ed. 2019 |
701. |
Resisting Neoliberalism in Higher Education Volume I |
Dorothy Bottrell, Catherine Manathunga |
1st ed. 2019 |
702. |
Resisting Neoliberalism in Higher Education Volume II |
Catherine Manathunga, Dorothy Bottrell |
1st ed. 2019 |
703. |
Respectful Research With and About Young Families |
Alice Brown |
1st ed. 2019 |
704. |
Restorying Environmental Education +++ |
Chessa Adsit-Morris |
1st ed. 2017 |
705. |
Rethinking 21st Century Diversity in Teacher Preparation, K-12 Education, and School Policy |
Suniti Sharma, Althier M. Lazar |
1st ed. 2019 |
706. |
Rethinking Campus Life |
Christine A. Ogren, Marc A. VanOverbeke |
1st ed. 2018 |
707. |
Rethinking Cultural-Historical Theory |
Manolis Dafermos |
1st ed. 2018 |
708. |
Rethinking the Curriculum |
Orlando Nang Kwok Ho |
1st ed. 2018 |
709. |
Rethinking the Public-Private Mix in Higher Education |
Pedro Teixeira, Sunwoong Kim, Pablo Landoni, Zulfiqar Gilani |
710. |
ReView |
Julia Gray |
711. |
Revising the APA Ethics Code |
Gerald Young |
1st ed. 2017 |
712. |
Risk Management of Education Systems |
Anat Even Zahav, Orit Hazzan |
1st ed. 2017 |
713. |
Risks of Harm from Psychopathic Individuals |
Robert Henley Woody |
1st ed. 2019 |
714. |
Robotics in STEM Education |
Myint Swe Khine |
1st ed. 2017 |
715. |
Roma Identity and Ritual in the Classroom |
Jana Obrovská |
1st ed. 2018 |
716. |
Rudolf Steiner |
Bo Dahlin |
1st ed. 2017 |
717. |
Rupturing African Philosophy on Teaching and Learning |
Yusef Waghid, Faiq Waghid, Zayd Waghid |
1st ed. 2018 |
718. |
Schizoanalytic Ventures at the End of the World |
jan jagodzinski |
1st ed. 2019 |
719. |
School Acts and the Rise of Mass Schooling |
Johannes Westberg, Lukas Boser, Ingrid Brühwiler |
1st ed. 2019 |
720. |
School Belonging in Adolescents |
Kelly-Ann Allen, Margaret L. Kern |
1st ed. 2017 |
721. |
School Inspectors |
Jacqueline Baxter |
1st ed. 2017 |
722. |
School Leadership and Educational Change in Singapore |
Benjamin Wong, Salleh Hairon, Pak Tee Ng |
1st ed. 2019 |
723. |
School Mathematics Curricula |
Catherine P. Vistro-Yu, Tin Lam Toh |
1st ed. 2019 |
724. |
School Psychopharmacology |
John S. Carlson, Justin A. Barterian |
1st ed. 2019 |
725. |
School Spaces for Student Wellbeing and Learning |
Hilary Hughes, Jill Franz, Jill Willis |
1st ed. 2019 |
726. |
School Turnaround Policies and Practices in the US |
Joseph F. Murphy, Joshua F. Bleiberg |
1st ed. 2019 |
727. |
School Violence in International Contexts |
Rosemary Papa |
1st ed. 2019 |
728. |
School(house) Design and Curriculum in Nineteenth Century America |
Joseph da Silva |
1st ed. 2018 |
729. |
School-based Partnerships in Teacher Education |
Linda Hobbs, Coral Campbell, Mellita Jones |
1st ed. 2018 |
730. |
Schooling and Travelling Communities |
Dave Cudworth |
1st ed. 2018 |
731. |
Schooling for Peaceful Development in Post-Conflict Societies |
Clive Harber |
1st ed. 2019 |
732. |
Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Clive Harber |
1st ed. 2017 |
733. |
Schools in Transition |
Pauli Siljander, Kimmo Kontio, Eetu Pikkarainen |
734. |
Science and Technology Education Promoting Wellbeing for Individuals, Societies and Environments |
Larry Bencze |
1st ed. 2017 |
735. |
Science Education |
Keith S. Taber, Ben Akpan |
736. |
Science Videos |
Ryan Vachon |
1st ed. 2018 |
737. |
Science, Democracy, and Curriculum Studies |
John A. Weaver |
1st ed. 2018 |
738. |
Scientific Inquiry in Mathematics - Theory and Practice |
Andrzej Sokolowski |
1st ed. 2018 |
739. |
Scientific Pollyannaism |
Oksana Yakushko |
1st ed. 2019 |
740. |
Seamless Learning |
Chee-Kit Looi, Lung-Hsiang Wong, Christian Glahn, Su Cai |
1st ed. 2019 |
741. |
Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education |
Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai |
1st ed. 2018 |
742. |
Seeing Autism through Parents’ Feedback, Sketchnotes, Technology, and Evidence-based Practices |
Demetria Ennis-Cole |
1st ed. 2019 |
743. |
Selection and Recruitment in the Healthcare Professions |
Fiona Patterson, Lara Zibarras |
1st ed. 2018 |
744. |
Self-Censorship in Contexts of Conflict |
Daniel Bar-Tal, Rafi Nets-Zehngut, Keren Sharvit |
1st ed. 2017 |
745. |
Self-Efficacy in Instructional Technology Contexts |
Charles B. Hodges |
1st ed. 2018 |
746. |
Sex for Structuralists |
Shanna de la Torre |
1st ed. 2018 |
747. |
Sexual Crime and Prevention |
Rebecca Lievesley, Kerensa Hocken, Helen Elliott, Belinda Winder, Nicholas Blagden, Phil Banyard |
1st ed. 2018 |
748. |
Sexual Crime and the Experience of Imprisonment |
Nicholas Blagden, Belinda Winder, Kerensa Hocken, Rebecca Lievesley, Phil Banyard, Helen Elliott |
1st ed. 2019 |
749. |
Sexuality Education and New Materialism |
Louisa Allen |
1st ed. 2018 |
750. |
Sexually Violent Predators: A Clinical Science Handbook |
William T. O'Donohue, Daniel S. Bromberg |
1st ed. 2019 |
751. |
Shadow Education as Worldwide Curriculum Studies |
Young Chun Kim, Jung-Hoon Jung |
1st ed. 2019 |
752. |
Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue |
Alicia Arenas, Donatella Di Marco, Lourdes Munduate, Martin C. Euwema |
1st ed. 2017 |
753. |
Shaping the Future of Education, Communication and Technology |
Will W. K. Ma, Wendy Wing Lam Chan, Cat Miaoting Cheng |
1st ed. 2019 |
754. |
Sketching a Place for Education in Times of Learning |
Laboratory for Education and Society |
1st ed. 2018 |
755. |
Smart Learning with Educational Robotics |
Linda Daniela |
1st ed. 2019 |
756. |
Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific |
Erica Frydenberg, Andrew J. Martin, Rebecca J. Collie |
1st ed. 2017 |
757. |
Social Dreaming, Associative Thinking and Intensities of Affect |
Julian Manley |
1st ed. 2018 |
758. |
Social Equality in Education |
Ann Margaret Doyle |
1st ed. 2018 |
759. |
Social Psychology in Action |
Kai Sassenberg, Michael L.W. Vliek |
1st ed. 2019 |
760. |
Social Support, Well-being, and Teacher Development |
Bick-har LAM |
1st ed. 2019 |
761. |
Socially Just Religious and Spiritual Interventions |
Elisabeth Esmiol Wilson, Lindsey Nice |
1st ed. 2018 |
762. |
Socioeconomic Inequality and Educational Outcomes |
Markus Broer, Yifan Bai, Frank Fonseca |
1st ed. 2019 |
763. |
Sociolinguistics in African Contexts |
Augustin Emmanuel Ebongue, Ellen Hurst |
1st ed. 2017 |
764. |
Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Practices |
Fabio Dovigo |
765. |
Spinning Popular Culture as Public Pedagogy |
Jon Austin |
766. |
St. Louis School Desegregation |
Hope C. Rias |
1st ed. 2019 |
767. |
Standard Setting in Education |
Sigrid Blömeke, Jan-Eric Gustafsson |
1st ed. 2017 |
768. |
Statistical Methods for Experimental Research in Education and Psychology |
Jimmie Leppink |
1st ed. 2019 |
769. |
Statistics in Early Childhood and Primary Education |
Aisling Leavy, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Efi Paparistodemou |
1st ed. 2018 |
770. |
STEAM Education |
Myint Swe Khine, Shaljan Areepattamannil |
1st ed. 2019 |
771. |
STEM and Social Justice: Teaching and Learning in Diverse Settings |
Cheryl B. Leggon, Michael S. Gaines |
1st ed. 2017 |
772. |
Aaron D. Isabelle, Gilbert A. Zinn |
773. |
Strategies for Resisting Sexism in the Academy |
Gail Crimmins |
1st ed. 2019 |
774. |
Strengthening Teaching and Learning in Research Universities |
Bjørn Stensaker, Grahame T. Bilbow, Lori Breslow, Rob van der Vaart |
1st ed. 2017 |
775. |
Stress and Somatic Symptoms |
Kyung Bong Koh |
1st ed. 2018 |
776. |
Structural Injustices in Swedish Education |
Dennis Beach |
1st ed. 2018 |
777. |
Structuring the Thesis |
David Kember, Michael Corbett |
1st ed. 2018 |
778. |
Student Centered Cooperative Learning |
George M Jacobs, Willy A Renandya |
1st ed. 2019 |
779. |
Studying Mathematics |
Marco Bramanti, Giancarlo Travaglini |
1st ed. 2018 |
780. |
Subjectivity within Cultural-Historical Approach |
Fernando González Rey, Albertina Mitjáns Martínez, Daniel Magalhães Goulart |
1st ed. 2019 |
781. |
Subjectivity, the Unconscious and Consumerism |
Marlon Xavier |
1st ed. 2018 |
782. |
Successful Transposition of Lesson Study |
Eric C. K. Cheng |
1st ed. 2019 |
783. |
Suffering and the Intelligence of Love in the Teaching Life |
Sean Steel, Amber Homeniuk |
1st ed. 2019 |
784. |
Supplementary Schools and Ethnic Minority Communities |
Amanda Simon |
1st ed. 2018 |
785. |
Surrogate Motherhood Families |
Olga B.A. van den Akker |
1st ed. 2017 |
786. |
Surviving and Thriving in Postgraduate Research |
Ray Cooksey, Gael McDonald |
2nd ed. 2019 |
787. |
Sustainability, Human Well-Being, and the Future of Education |
Justin W. Cook |
1st ed. 2019 |
788. |
Sustainable Futures for Higher Education |
Jaan Valsiner, Anastasiia Lutsenko, Alexandra Antoniouk |
1st ed. 2018 |
789. |
Sustainable Transformation in African Higher Education |
Felix Maringe, Emmanuel Ojo |
790. |
Systems Thinking for School Leaders |
Haim Shaked, Chen Schechter |
1st ed. 2017 |
791. |
Taking a Fresh Look at Education |
Mary C. Dalmau, Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Deborah Tidwell |
792. |
Teacher Adaptive Practices |
Tony Loughland |
1st ed. 2019 |
793. |
Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century |
Joron Pihl, Kristin Skinstad Kooij, Tone Cecilie Carlsten |
794. |
Teacher Development and Teacher Education in Developing Countries |
Ayesha Bashiruddin |
1st ed. 2018 |
795. |
Teacher Education In and For Uncertain Times |
Deborah Heck, Angelina Ambrosetti |
1st ed. 2018 |
796. |
Teacher Education in Professional Learning Communities |
Xuefeng Huang |
1st ed. 2018 |
797. |
Teacher Involvement in High-Stakes Language Testing |
Daniel Xerri, Patricia Vella Briffa |
1st ed. 2018 |
798. |
Teacher Learning with Classroom Assessment |
Heng Jiang, Mary F. Hill |
1st ed. 2018 |
799. |
Teacher Quality, Professional Learning and Policy |
Christine Forde, Margery McMahon |
1st ed. 2019 |
800. |
Teachers as Tutors: Shadow Education Market Dynamics in Georgia |
Magda Nutsa Kobakhidze |
1st ed. 2018 |
801. |
Teaching and Learning in Maths Classrooms |
Chiara Andrà, Domenico Brunetto, Esther Levenson, Peter Liljedahl |
1st ed. 2017 |
802. |
Teaching and Learning Mathematics through Variation |
Rongjin Huang, Yeping Li |
803. |
Teaching and Learning Secondary School Mathematics |
Ann Kajander, Jennifer Holm, Egan J Chernoff |
1st ed. 2018 |
804. |
Teaching Chinese Language in Singapore |
Kay Cheng Soh |
1st ed. 2018 |
805. |
Teaching Educational Leadership in Muslim Countries |
Eugenie A. Samier, Eman S. ElKaleh |
1st ed. 2019 |
806. |
Teaching for Excellence and Equity |
Nathan Burroughs, Jacqueline Gardner, Youngjun Lee, Siwen Guo, Israel Touitou, Kimberly Jansen, William Schmidt |
1st ed. 2019 |
807. |
Teaching Science with Context |
Maria Elice de Brzezinski Prestes, Cibelle Celestino Silva |
1st ed. 2018 |
808. |
Teaching Struggling Students |
Laura M. Harrison |
1st ed. 2019 |
809. |
Teaching the Content Areas to English Language Learners in Secondary Schools |
Luciana C. de Oliveira, Kathryn M. Obenchain, Rachael H. Kenney, Alandeom W. Oliveira |
1st ed. 2019 |
810. |
Teaching the Discipline of History in an Age of Standards |
Jennifer Clark, Adele Nye |
1st ed. 2018 |
811. |
Teaching Tolerance in a Globalized World |
Andrés Sandoval-Hernández, Maria Magdalena Isac, Daniel Miranda |
1st ed. 2018 |
812. |
Team-Based Collaboration in Higher Education Learning and Teaching |
Catherine Newell, Alan Bain |
1st ed. 2018 |
813. |
Technical and Vocational Education in China |
Xueping Wu, Yiqun Ye |
1st ed. 2018 |
814. |
Technology, Research and Professional Learning |
Jingjing Zhang |
1st ed. 2018 |
815. |
Textbooks and War |
Eugenia Roldán Vera, Eckhardt Fuchs |
1st ed. 2018 |
816. |
The Alienated Academic |
Richard Hall |
1st ed. 2018 |
817. |
The Anatomy of Entrepreneurial Decisions |
Andrea Caputo, Massimiliano M. Pellegrini |
1st ed. 2019 |
818. |
The Art of Co-Creation |
Bryan R. Rill, Matti M. Hämäläinen |
1st ed. 2018 |
819. |
The Art of Collaboration |
Katharine G. Shepherd, Colby T. Kervick, Djenne-amal N. Morris |
820. |
The A-Z of the PhD Trajectory |
Eva O. L. Lantsoght |
1st ed. 2018 |
821. |
The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Disease |
Derek Bolton, Grant Gillett |
1st ed. 2019 |
822. |
The Bright Side of Shame |
Claude-Hélène Mayer, Elisabeth Vanderheiden |
1st ed. 2019 |
823. |
The Capitalist State and the Construction of Civil Society |
Anne Berg, Samuel Edquist |
1st ed. 2017 |
824. |
The Change Laboratory for Teacher Training in Entrepreneurship Education |
Daniele Morselli |
1st ed. 2019 |
825. |
The Changing Academic Profession in Hong Kong |
Gerard A. Postiglione, Jisun Jung |
1st ed. 2017 |
826. |
The Conditions for School Success |
Aina Tarabini |
1st ed. 2019 |
827. |
The Creative Process |
Todd Lubart |
1st ed. 2018 |
828. |
The Crisis for Young People |
Andy Green |
1st ed. 2017 |
829. |
The Development of the Alternative Black Curriculum, 1890-1940 |
Alana D. Murray |
1st ed. 2018 |
830. |
The Dunhuang Grottoes and Global Education |
Xu Di |
1st ed. 2019 |
831. |
The Eco-Certified Child |
Malin Ideland |
1st ed. 2019 |
832. |
The Educationalization of Student Emotional and Behavioral Health |
Teresa L. Sullivan |
1st ed. 2018 |
833. |
The Emergence of Self in Educational Contexts |
Giuseppina Marsico, Luca Tateo |
1st ed. 2018 |
834. |
The Engineering-Business Nexus |
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, Bernard Delahousse, Christelle Didier, Martin Meganck, Mike Murphy |
1st ed. 2019 |
835. |
The Evolution of Psychopathology |
Todd K. Shackelford, Virgil Zeigler-Hill |
1st ed. 2017 |
836. |
The Facial Displays of Leaders |
Carl Senior |
1st ed. 2018 |
837. |
The Factors Effecting Student Achievement |
Engin Karadag |
1st ed. 2017 |
838. |
The Feeling of Embodiment |
Glenn Carruthers |
1st ed. 2019 |
839. |
The Flâneur and Education Research |
Alexandra Lasczik Cutcher, Rita L. Irwin |
1st ed. 2018 |
840. |
The Functions of Parent-Child Argumentation |
Antonio Bova |
1st ed. 2019 |
841. |
The Gendered Landscape of Suicide |
Anne Cleary |
1st ed. 2019 |
842. |
The German Good Life I Want |
Pinar Burcu Güner |
1st ed. 2019 |
843. |
The Globalisation of Higher Education |
Timothy Hall, Tonia Gray, Greg Downey, Michael Singh |
1st ed. 2018 |
844. |
The Grants Register 2019 |
Palgrave Macmillan |
37th ed. 2019 |
845. |
The Happy Mind: Cognitive Contributions to Well-Being |
Michael D. Robinson, Michael Eid |
1st ed. 2017 |
846. |
The Impact of the First World War on British Universities |
John Taylor |
1st ed. 2018 |
847. |
The Legacy of Felix Klein |
Hans-Georg Weigand, William McCallum, Marta Menghini, Michael Neubrand, Gert Schubring |
1st ed. 2019 |
848. |
The Life and Creative Works of Paulo Coelho |
Claude-Helene Mayer |
1st ed. 2017 |
849. |
The Madhesi Upsurge and the Contested Idea of Nepal |
Kalpana Jha |
1st ed. 2017 |
850. |
The Material Culture of Multilingualism |
Larissa Aronin, Michael Hornsby, Grażyna Kiliańska-Przybyło |
1st ed. 2018 |
851. |
The Mathematics of Mathematics ellenőr. |
Wolff-Michael Roth |
852. |
The Natural World and Science Education in the United States |
Ajay Sharma, Cory Buxton |
1st ed. 2018 |
853. |
The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Education in the Post-Cold War Era |
Luigi Cajani, Simone Lässig, Maria Repoussi |
1st ed. 2019 |
854. |
The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication |
Tony Docan-Morgan |
1st ed. 2019 |
855. |
The Palgrave Handbook of Education Law for Schools |
Karen Trimmer, Roselyn Dixon, Yvonne S. Findlay |
1st ed. 2018 |
856. |
The Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health |
John A. Barry, Roger Kingerlee, Martin Seager, Luke Sullivan |
1st ed. 2019 |
857. |
The Palgrave Handbook of Race and the Arts in Education |
Amelia M. Kraehe, Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández, B. Stephen Carpenter II |
1st ed. 2018 |
858. |
The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research |
Izabela Lebuda, Vlad Petre Glăveanu |
1st ed. 2019 |
859. |
The Palgrave Handbook of Textbook Studies |
Eckhardt Fuchs, Annekatrin Bock |
1st ed. 2018 |
860. |
The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Outdoor Learning |
Tonia Gray, Denise Mitten |
1st ed. 2018 |
861. |
The Pedagogy of Compassion at the Heart of Higher Education |
Paul Gibbs |
1st ed. 2017 |
862. |
The Perception and Cognition of Visual Space |
Paul Linton |
1st ed. 2017 |
863. |
The Philosophy of Chinese Moral Education |
Zhuran You, A.G. Rud, Yingzi Hu |
1st ed. 2018 |
864. |
The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today |
Paul Ernest |
1st ed. 2018 |
865. |
The Politics of Educational Reform in Ghana |
Maxwell A. Aziabah |
1st ed. 2018 |
866. |
The Power of Play in Higher Education |
Alison James, Chrissi Nerantzi |
1st ed. 2019 |
867. |
The Practice of Correctional Psychology |
Marguerite Ternes, Philip R. Magaletta, Marc W. Patry |
1st ed. 2018 |
868. |
The Practices of School Middle Leadership |
Peter Grootenboer |
1st ed. 2018 |
869. |
The Principal and School Improvement |
Amanda Heffernan |
1st ed. 2018 |
870. |
The Process of Psychotherapy |
Wolfgang Tschacher, Hermann Haken |
1st ed. 2019 |
871. |
The Professionalization of Coaching |
Astrid Schreyögg, Christoph Schmidt-Lellek |
1st ed. 2017 |
872. |
The Psychologist's Guide to Professional Development |
Greg Bohall, Mary-Jo Bautista |
1st ed. 2017 |
873. |
The Psychology of Chinese Gambling |
Chi Chuen Chan, William Wai Lim Li, Amy Sau Lam Chiu |
1st ed. 2019 |
874. |
The Psychology of Digital Learning+++ |
Stephan Schwan, Ulrike Cress |
1st ed. 2017 |
875. |
The Psychology of Emotions and Humour in Buddhism |
Padmasiri de Silva |
1st ed. 2018 |
876. |
The Psychology of Ethical Leadership in Organisations |
Catarina Morais, Georgina Randsley de Moura |
1st ed. 2018 |
877. |
The Psychology of Financial Consumer Behavior |
Dominika Maison |
1st ed. 2019 |
878. |
The Psychology of Habit |
Bas Verplanken |
1st ed. 2018 |
879. |
The Psychology of Peace Promotion |
Mary Gloria C. Njoku, Leonard A. Jason, R. Burke Johnson |
1st ed. 2019 |
880. |
The Psychology of Tolerance |
Rivka T. Witenberg |
1st ed. 2019 |
881. |
The Psychotherapeutic Stance |
Carsten René Jørgensen |
1st ed. 2019 |
882. |
The Repressed Memory Epidemic |
Mark Pendergrast |
1st ed. 2017 |
883. |
The Rhetoric of Widening Participation in Higher Education and its Impact |
Navin Kikabhai |
1st ed. 2018 |
884. |
The Road to Independence |
Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir, Rósa Gunnarsdóttir |
885. |
The Robot Factory |
Joseph Ganem |
1st ed. 2018 |
886. |
The Role of Language Teacher Associations in Professional Development |
Aymen Elsheikh, Christine Coombe, Okon Effiong |
1st ed. 2018 |
887. |
The Science of Lay Theories |
Claire M. Zedelius, Barbara C. N. Müller, Jonathan W. Schooler |
1st ed. 2017 |
888. |
The Search for Method in STEAM Education |
Jaime E. Martinez |
1st ed. 2017 |
889. |
The Speaking Self: Language Lore and English Usage |
Michael Shapiro |
1st ed. 2017 |
890. |
The Taoist Pedagogy of Pathmarks |
Jie Yu |
1st ed. 2018 |
891. |
The Thinking University |
Søren S.E. Bengtsen, Ronald Barnett |
1st ed. 2018 |
892. |
The Transnational in the History of Education |
Eckhardt Fuchs, Eugenia Roldán Vera |
1st ed. 2019 |
893. |
The Uncertain Future of American Public Higher Education |
Daniel M. Johnson |
1st ed. 2019 |
894. |
The Virtual Team Maturity Model |
Ralf Friedrich |
1st ed. 2017 |
895. |
Theme-Centered Interaction (TCI) in Higher Education |
Sylke Meyerhuber, Helmut Reiser, Matthias Scharer |
1st ed. 2019 |
896. |
Theoretical Approaches to Multi-Cultural Positive Psychological Interventions |
Llewellyn Ellardus Van Zyl, Sebastiaan Rothmann Sr. |
1st ed. 2019 |
897. |
Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics |
Rongjin Huang, Akihiko Takahashi, João Pedro da Ponte |
1st ed. 2019 |
898. |
Theory-Driven Approaches to Cognitive Enhancement |
Lorenza S. Colzato |
1st ed. 2017 |
899. |
Therapeutic Alliances with Families |
Valentín Escudero, Myrna L. Friedlander |
1st ed. 2017 |
900. |
Therapy as Discourse |
Olga Smoliak, Tom Strong |
1st ed. 2018 |
901. |
Those Who Come After |
Stephen Frosh |
1st ed. 2019 |
902. |
Time and Space in the Neoliberal University |
Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor, Cristina Costa |
1st ed. 2019 |
903. |
Tobacco Use and Intimate Relationships |
Ian Newman, John DeFrain |
1st ed. 2018 |
904. |
Tolerance and Dissent within Education |
Nuraan Davids, Yusef Waghid |
1st ed. 2017 |
905. |
Topics and Trends in Current Statistics Education Research |
Gail Burrill, Dani Ben-Zvi |
1st ed. 2019 |
906. |
Toward Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education |
Tonya Gau Bartell |
1st ed. 2018 |
907. |
Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education |
Kristy L. Daniel |
1st ed. 2018 |
908. |
Towards a Philosophy of Caring in Higher Education |
Yusef Waghid |
1st ed. 2019 |
909. |
Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, Evolution, and Challenges |
Bo-Wah Leung |
1st ed. 2018 |
910. |
Traditions in German-Speaking Mathematics Education Research |
Hans Niels Jahnke, Lisa Hefendehl-Hebeker |
1st ed. 2019 |
911. |
Training for Change |
Alisha Moreland-Capuia |
1st ed. 2019 |
912. |
Training to Deliver Integrated Care |
C.R. Macchi, Rodger Kessler |
1st ed. 2018 |
913. |
Transactional Psychology of Education |
Wolff-Michael Roth |
1st ed. 2019 |
914. |
Transdisciplinary Higher Education |
Paul Gibbs |
1st ed. 2017 |
915. |
Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice and Education |
Dena Fam, Linda Neuhauser, Paul Gibbs |
1st ed. 2018 |
916. |
Transformative Learning Meets Bildung |
Anna Laros, Thomas Fuhr, Edward W. Taylor |
917. |
Transformative Pedagogic Practice |
Stephanie Leder |
1st ed. 2018 |
918. |
Transforming Organizations |
Jacques Chlopczyk, Christine Erlach |
1st ed. 2019 |
919. |
Transforming Perspectives in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education |
Laura Formenti, Linden West |
1st ed. 2018 |
920. |
Transforming Teacher Education Through the Epistemic Core of Chemistry |
Sibel Erduran, Ebru Kaya |
1st ed. 2019 |
921. |
Translanguaging as Everyday Practice |
Gerardo Mazzaferro |
1st ed. 2018 |
922. |
Trauma and Human Rights |
Lisa D. Butler, Filomena M. Critelli, Janice Carello |
1st ed. 2019 |
923. |
Trauma, Autism, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
Jason M. Fogler, Randall A. Phelps |
1st ed. 2018 |
924. |
Tribalism |
Stevan E. Hobfoll |
1st ed. 2018 |
925. |
Trilingual Education in Hong Kong Primary Schools |
Lixun Wang, Andy Kirkpatrick |
1st ed. 2019 |
926. |
Undergraduate Student Engagement |
Zhe Zhang, Olwen McNamara |
1st ed. 2018 |
927. |
Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones |
Dalya Yafa Markovich, Daphna Golan, Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian |
1st ed. 2019 |
928. |
Understanding Children in Foster Care |
Wendy Kelly |
1st ed. 2017 |
929. |
Understanding Global Skills for 21st Century Professions |
Douglas Bourn |
1st ed. 2018 |
930. |
Understanding the Impact of INSET on Teacher Change in China |
Ming Li |
1st ed. 2019 |
931. |
Understanding the Mathematical Way of Thinking – The Registers of Semiotic Representations |
Raymond Duval |
1st ed. 2017 |
932. |
Understanding Willing Participants, Volume 1 |
Nestar Russell |
1st ed. 2018 |
933. |
Understanding Willing Participants, Volume 2 |
Nestar Russell |
1st ed. 2019 |
934. |
Unhappiness, Sadness and 'Depression' |
Tullio Giraldi |
1st ed. 2017 |
935. |
Universities in Arab Countries: An Urgent Need for Change |
Elias Baydoun, John R. Hillman |
1st ed. 2018 |
936. |
Universities in the Networked Society |
Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Piet Kommers, Nataliia Morze, Josef Malach |
1st ed. 2019 |
937. |
University Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning |
Julia Preece |
1st ed. 2017 |
938. |
University English for Academic Purposes in China |
Xiaofei Rao |
1st ed. 2018 |
939. |
University Pathway Programs: Local Responses within a Growing Global Trend |
Cintia Inés Agosti, Eva Bernat |
1st ed. 2018 |
940. |
University Writing in Central and Eastern Europe: Tradition, Transition, and Innovation |
Mădălina Chitez, Claudia Ioana Doroholschi, Otto Kruse, Łukasz Salski, Dumitru Tucan |
1st ed. 2018 |
941. |
Unsung Legacies of Educators and Events in African American Education |
Andrea D. Lewis, Nicole A. Taylor |
1st ed. 2019 |
942. |
Urban Regions Now & Tomorrow |
Sonja Deppisch |
1st ed. 2017 |
943. |
Uses of Technology in Primary and Secondary Mathematics Education |
Lynda Ball, Paul Drijvers, Silke Ladel, Hans-Stefan Siller, Michal Tabach, Colleen Vale |
1st ed. 2018 |
944. |
Using ICT in Inquiry-Based Science Education |
Geraldo W. Rocha Fernandes, António M. Rodrigues, Carlos Alberto Rosa Ferreira |
1st ed. 2019 |
945. |
Using Mobile Technologies in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics |
Nigel Calder, Kevin Larkin, Nathalie Sinclair |
1st ed. 2018 |
946. |
Utilizing Learning Analytics to Support Study Success |
Dirk Ifenthaler, Dana-Kristin Mah, Jane Yin-Kim Yau |
1st ed. 2019 |
947. |
Value-Creating Global Citizenship Education |
Namrata Sharma |
1st ed. 2018 |
948. |
Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education |
Philip Clarkson, Wee Tiong Seah, JeongSuk Pang |
1st ed. 2019 |
949. |
Values Education in Early Childhood Settings |
Eva Johansson, Anette Emilson, Anna-Maija Puroila |
1st ed. 2018 |
950. |
Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty |
Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson, Alex Elwick |
1st ed. 2019 |
951. |
Video Game Influences on Aggression, Cognition, and Attention |
Christopher J. Ferguson |
1st ed. 2018 |
952. |
Video in the Age of Digital Learning |
Jonas Köster |
1st ed. 2018 |
953. |
Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education |
Benjamin Rott, Günter Törner, Joyce Peters-Dasdemir, Anne Möller, Safrudiannur |
1st ed. 2018 |
954. |
Virtual Reality for Psychological and Neurocognitive Interventions |
Albert "Skip" Rizzo, Stéphane Bouchard |
1st ed. 2019 |
955. |
Visualizing Mathematics |
Kelly S. Mix, Michael T. Battista |
1st ed. 2018 |
956. |
Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN Member States |
Bin Bai, Paryono |
1st ed. 2019 |
957. |
Vocational Education and Training in Times of Economic Crisis |
Matthias Pilz |
1st ed. 2017 |
958. |
Voices of Transgender Children in Early Childhood Education |
Ashley L. Sullivan, Laurie L. Urraro |
1st ed. 2019 |
959. |
Voyeurism |
Simon Duff |
1st ed. 2018 |
960. |
Vulnerable Children and Youth in Brazil |
Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio, Silvia Helena Koller |
1st ed. 2017 |
961. |
Wellbeing and Aspirational Culture |
Kevin Moore |
1st ed. 2019 |
962. |
Wellbeing, Equity and Education |
Jennifer Spratt |
1st ed. 2017 |
963. |
What Matters? Research Trends in International Comparative Studies in Mathematics Education |
Ji-Won Son, Tad Watanabe, Jane-Jane Lo |
1st ed. 2017 |
964. |
Wild Pedagogies |
Bob Jickling, Sean Blenkinsop, Nora Timmerman, Michael De Danann Sitka-Sage |
1st ed. 2018 |
965. |
Women of Influence in Education |
Nita Cherry, Joy Higgs |
966. |
Women Professors |
Carmel Diezmann, Susan Grieshaber |
1st ed. 2019 |
967. |
Women, Economic Development, and Higher Education |
Diane E. Eynon |
1st ed. 2017 |
968. |
Women's Evolving Lives |
Carrie M. Brown, Uwe P. Gielen, Judith L. Gibbons, Judy Kuriansky |
1st ed. 2017 |
969. |
Working with Transgender Young People and their Families |
Damien W. Riggs |
1st ed. 2019 |
970. |
Working-Class Boys and Educational Success |
Nicola Ingram |
1st ed. 2018 |
971. |
Writing Fantasy and the Identity of the Writer |
Zoe Charalambous |
1st ed. 2019 |
972. |
Writing with Deleuze in the Academy |
Stewart Riddle, David Bright, Eileen Honan |
1st ed. 2018 |
973. |
Wundt, Avenarius, and Scientific Psychology |
Chiara Russo Krauss |
1st ed. 2019 |
974. |
Young Adolescent Engagement in Learning |
Jeanne Allen, Glenda McGregor, Donna Pendergast, Michelle Ronksley-Pavia |
1st ed. 2019 |
975. |
Young Children’s Existential Encounters |
Zoi Simopoulou |
1st ed. 2019 |
976. |
Young People and the Diversity of (Non)Religious Identities in International Perspective |
Elisabeth Arweck, Heather Shipley |
1st ed. 2019 |
977. |
Young People, Learning and Storytelling |
Emma Parfitt |
1st ed. 2019 |
978. |
Young People's Perceptions of Europe in a Time of Change |
Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, Valeria Damiani, Wolfram Schulz |
1st ed. 2018 |
979. |
Young People's Rights in the Citizenship Education Classroom |
Helen Hanna |
1st ed. 2019 |
980. |
Young People's Views of Government, Peaceful Coexistence, and Diversity in Five Latin American Countries |
Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Cristián Cox, Tim Friedman |
1st ed. 2018 |
981. |
Your Passport to Gifted Education |
Monita Leavitt |
1st ed. 2017 |
982. |
Youth Studies in Transition: Culture, Generation and New Learning Processes |
Thomas Johansson, Marcus Herz |
1st ed. 2019 |
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Endrődy Orsolya
Gyermekkor: interkulturális és interdiszciplináris kontextusban |
Schmelowszky Ágoston
Magyar Márton, Gősi Zsuzsanna (szerk.) |
Életmód, menedzsment és módszertani kérdések a sportban, rekreációban |
Magyar Márton, Gősi Zsuzsanna (szerk.) |
Képzési, nevelési és gazdasági kérdések a sportban, rekreációban |
Magyar Márton, Gősi Zsuzsanna (szerk.) |
A tanulás-tanítás folyamatának sajátosságai sport(os) nézőpontból |
Kovács Katalin, Dancs Henriette, Boros Szilvia, H. Ekler Judit (szerk.) |
Faragó Klára, Dúll Andrea, Lan Anh Nguyen Luu (szerk.) |
Halász Gábor, Kovács István Vilmos, Pálvölgyi Lajos (szerk.) |
Rapos Nóra - Lénárd Sándor |
Danis Ildikó – Tóth Ildikó (szerk.) |
Válogatott fejlődéspszichológiai tanulmányok: elméletek, gyakorlatok, alkalmazások – Köszöntő kötet Kalmár Magda tiszteletére |
Mészáros György
„Jók leszünk!” – Hogyan formál társadalmi lénnyé az iskola? Összehasonlító kritikai etnográfia mindenkinek |
Rácz József (főszerk.) – Karsai Szilvia – Tóth Veronika (szerk.) |
szerk. Baska Gabriella, Hegedűs Judit, Szabó Zoltán András |
Visszhangzó századok: tanulmányok, ünnepi írások Szabolcs Éva tiszteletére |
Kapitány Ágnes, Kapitány Gábor |
szerk. Kocsis János Balázs |
Dúll Andrea, Varga Katalin |
Rábeszélőtér: a szuggesztív kommunikáció környezetpszichológiája |
Varga Katalin, Gősiné Greguss Anna |
Tudatállapotok, hipnózis, egymásra hangolódás : tisztelgő kötet Prof. Bányai Éva 70. születésnapja alkalmából |
Elekes Zsuzsanna |
szerk.: Garai Imre, Kempf Katalin, Vincze Beatrix |
Mestermunka : a neveléstudomány aktuális diskurzusai : a kötet Prof. Dr. Németh András 70. születésnapjára készült |
Kopp Erika, Széll Krisztián |
Bajzáth Angéla – Bereczkiné Záluszki Anna – Darvay Sarolta – Lehmann Miklós |
LOGEION. Együttműködő megközelítés az interkulturális nevelés támogatásához
Halász Gábor, Kovács István Vilmos, Pálvölgyi Lajos |
Magyar Márton, Gősi Zsuzsanna |
Gősi Zsuzsanna, Magyar Márton |
Gősi Zsuzsanna, Bárdos György, Magyar Márton |
Fazekas Ágnes |
Forgács Attila |
Forgács Attila |
Csehné Papp Imola, Kraiciné Szokoly Mária |
Hámori Eszter |
Csíkszentmihályi Mihály |
Fazekas Ágnes |
Falus Iván |
A didaktika kézikönyve : Elméleti alapok a tanítás tanulásához |
Szűts Zoltán |
Demetrovics Zsolt |
Tölgyessy Zsuzsanna |
Czigler István |
Gősi Zsuzsanna, Magyar Márton |
A tanulás-tanítás folyamatának sajátosságai sport(os) nézőpontból |
Faragó Klára, Dúll Andrea, Lan Anh Nguyen Luu |
Gősi Zsuzsanna, Bukta Zsuzsanna |
A sport társadalmi, gazdasági és utánpótlás-nevelési kérdései |
Gősi Zsuzsanna, Boros Szilvia, Magyar Márton |
Demetrovics Zsolt |
Demetrovics Zsolt |
Demetrovics Zsolt |
Demetrovics Zsolt |
Falus Iván |
Didaktika : Elméleti alapok a tanítás tanulásához (2021.) |
Gősi Zsuzsanna, Boros Szilvia, Magyar Márton |
Halász Gábor, Fazekas Ágnes, Lukács Teodóra |
Horváth László, Lencse-Csík Orsolya, Misley Helga, Nagy Krisztina, Verderber Éva |
Oláh Attila |
Érzelmek, megküzdés és optimális élmény
Csíkszentmihályi Mihály |
Hunyady György |
Rendszerattitűdök a változó közgondolkodásban
Rónay Zoltán |
Vezetők, testületek, felelősség a felsőoktatási intézményekben
A tanítás és tanulás 20 legfontosabb pszichológiai alapelve az alap- és középfokú oktatásban
Németh Ágnes - Várnai Dóra |
Kamaszéletmód Magyarországon
Csehné dr. Papp Imola |
Paksi Borbála - Demetrovics Zsolt (szerk.) |
Addiktológiai problémák Magyarországon : szenvedélyeink a lakossági kutatások tükrében
Muth-Fazekas Ágnes |
Dúll Andrea |
Kissné Viszket Mónika – Mogyorósy Zsuzsanna |
A pszichológiai tanácsadás szakmai alapprotokollja
Bajzáth Sándor - Tóth Eszter Zsófia - Rácz József (szerk.) |
Pörögnek a fejemben a filmkockák
Fehérvári Anikó (szerk.) |
A Borsszem Jankótól a Bolognáig
Attila Krajcsi |
Introduction to statistics with CogStat
Ponyi László |
Közművelődés és romák : Roma közösségi házak vizsgálata a közművelődés és a kisebbségtudomány dimenziójában |
Baska Gabriella - Hegedûs Judit - Szabó Zoltán András |
Visszhangzó századok
Demetrovics Zsolt – Urbán Róbert – Rigó Adrien – Oláh Attila (szerk.) |
Demetrovics Zsolt – Urbán Róbert – Rigó Adrien – Oláh Attila (szerk.) |
Nguyen Luu Lan Anh
A nemzetközi felsőoktatási mobilitás pszichológiai aspektusai |
Zsuzsa Kovács – Anna Wach (eds)
Kádi Anna – Kiss Orhidea Edith – Dúll Andrea (szerk.) |
Inspirációk. Válogatott tanulmányok Faragó Klára születésnapja tiszteletére |
Fehérvári Anikó |
Vincze Beatrix |
Hegyi-Halmos Nóra |
Mi a pálya? Az iskolai pályaorientáció szerepe és gyakorlata a hazai gimnáziumokban |
Kereszty Orsolya – Kovács Zsuzsa – Kraiciné Szokoly Mária (szerk.) |
Németh András - Pukánszky Béla (szerk.) |
Gyermekek, tanárok, iskolák -egykoron és ma. Tanulmányok a 90 éves Mészáros István tiszteletére |
Vámos Ágnes (szerk.) |
Garai Imre - Vincze Beatrix - Szabó Zoltán András |
Hiteles pedagógia – Tanulmányok Golnhofer Erzsébet tiszteletére |
Kovács Mónika (szerk.) |
Társadalmi nemek – Elméleti megközelítések és kutatási eredmények |
Szivák Judit |
N. Kollár Katalin - Rapos Nóra (szerk.) |
Szabó Éva - Fügedi Petra Anna (szerk.) |
Kovács Judit |
A viszonosságon túl. Az igazságtalanságra adott proszociális válasz |
Járó Katalin |
Bernáth László - N. Kollár Katalin - Németh Lilla/ Taskó Tünde Anna |
A tanulási stílus mérése/ Tanulási készségek és az |
Kraiciné Szokoly Mária, Pápai Adrienn, Perjés István (szerk.) |
Európai léptékkel: Az élethosszig tartó tanulás |
Pajor Gabriella |
„Gyorsabban,magasabbra, bátrabban” – De hogyan?: teljesítménymotiváció iskolai környezetben |
K. Németh Margit - Koller Éva |
Oktatás - Informatika : Digitális Nemzedék Konferencia, 2015. |
Oktatás - Informatika : Digitális Pedagógus Konferencia , 2014. |
Papp-Danka Adrienn |
Az online tanulási környezettel támogatott oktatási formák tanulásmódszertanának vizsgálata |
Czető Krisztina - Lénárd Sándor (szerk.) |
Szabolcs Éva - Garai Imre (szerk.) |
Oktatás - Informatika : Digitális Nemzedék Konferencia, 2014. |
Csilla Stéger |
State of Play in Teacher Education in Hungary after the Bologna Reforms |
Gordon Győri János (szerk.) |
Tanárok interkulturális nézetei és azok hatása az osztálytermi munkára : kutatási eredmények |
Gordon Győri János (szerk.) |
Tanárok interkulturális nézetei és azok hatása az osztálytermi munkára II. |
Nevelés – Oktatás – Iskolapedagógia 2014. : konferenciakötet |
Ágnes Vámos - Sándor Lénárd |
Training Programme and Organisation in the Bologna Process of Hungarian Higher Education: The BaBe Project |
Hunyady Györgyné - M. Nádasi Mária |
Gyöngy Kinga |
A bölcsődei művészeti nevelés előzményei és jelen gyakorlata |
Digitális Pedagógus Konferencia 2014. : konferenciakötet |
Digitális Nemzedék Konferencia 2014. : konferenciakötet |
VI. Oktatás-Informatikai Konferencia 2014. : tanulmánykötet |
Digitális Pedagógus Konferencia, 2012. : tanulmánykötet |
Digitális Nemzedék Konferencia, 2013. : konferenciakötet |
Digitális Nemzedék Konferencia, 2012. : tanulmánykötet |
Digitális Állampolgárság Konferancia 2013. : konferenciakötet
Ollé János |
Fülöp Márta - Szabó Éva (szerk.) |
Faragó Klára (szerk.) |
Mikonya György |
Vallásos mozgalmak nézetei a családi életről és az oktatásról
Baksa Gabriella - Hegedűs Judit - Nobik Attila |
János Ollé, Zsolt Kristóf |