Open Journal System

Open Journal System

The Journal Management System is suitable for publishing freely accessible journals. It helps in the entire editing process, from manuscript submission to the publication of final journal issues.

Articles published in the system are assigned a unique DOI identifier that identifies the document itself, not the location of its storage. In addition, the journals are included in the register of the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), thus the publications become available in the search systems of many international database providers.

Using the system is free of charge.

Basic conditions for the journal to be published

  • regular appearance (at least once a year)
  • have an ISSN number
  • prepare an abstract for each article
  • prepare a list of topics for each article

The commissioning process

- The editor-in-chief of the journal to be published fills out the form on the website of the ELTE University Library.

- The ELTE University Library and Archives will contact the applicant.

- During multiple consultations, we customize the independent interface of the journal and the publishing process.

- If requested by the publisher, previous journal issues will be uploaded.

- We publish the journal's public interface on the page.

For further information please visit the website of the ELTE University Library.