Slovenian visitors at the GlobEdu Collection

Slovenian visitors at the GlobEdu Collection

The goal of the GlobEdu educational program launched in 2006 by the ELTE PPK Library’s partner organization: the Anthropolis Association, is to draw attention to the everyday phenomena of an increasingly globalized world. It enables the participants in theprogram to acquire an approach that helps them to understand the functioning mechanism of phenomena and the global connections and interactions, as well as to make responsible decisions for the sake of sustainability.

The Association operates the Global Education Knowledge Center in the ELTE-PPK Library.The special library provides background materials for those interested in the topics of international development, climate change, poverty, migration, human rights, sustainability and globalization as a complex, multidimensional process, and makes educational aids available to teachers and students who hold classes and lectures on various topics. The Knowledge Center also provides space for discussions and debates on global topics.

Within the framework of this program, a partner meeting was held in November 2022, which was the opening of a project in which the library would be involved in certain activities.As a first move, visitors came from Slovenia, on the one hand from similar civil organizations such as the Anthropolis Association, on the other hand librarians from the Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana. Dávid Bán, the representative of the Anthropolis Association, a foreign intern from the University of Miskolc and our librarians were meeting them in the ELTE PPK Library.

GlobEdu's high-quality collection is located in the reading room of the ELTE PPK Library in Kazinczy Street, and its material can be found in the library's catalog.