György Mészáros
Habil. Associate ProfessorInstitute of Education
Publications: mtmt.hu
Doctoral data sheet: doktori.hu
E-mail: meszaros.gyorgy@ppk.elte.hu
Phone/ext.: + (36-70) 231-3029
Address: 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23-27.
Room: 403
Doctoral data sheet: doktori.hu
E-mail: meszaros.gyorgy@ppk.elte.hu
Phone/ext.: + (36-70) 231-3029
Address: 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23-27.
Room: 403
Office hours: Wednesdays 8.30 - 10.00 (appointments have to be made in advance via email)