Mészáros János Applied Exercise Physiology Research Group

The Research Team of Applied Exercise Physiology carries out physiological and anthropometrical measurements in both laboratory environments and during free play, among athletes as well as people performing recreational activities, from childhood to old age. The examinations take place at the Laboratory Exercise Physiology of ELTE PPK Institute of Sport Sciences in Szombathely. The aim of these exercise physiological studies is the measurement of physical performance, the definition of certain adaptation processes (metabolic, cardiorespiratory) and the specific adaptation processes to different characteristics of different branches of sports. These examinations and investigations provide assistance for the optimization of planning and conducting training sessions. The team is continuously monitoring the characteristics of the circulatory system (heart rate (HR), pulse volume (O2P), breathing (VE), and metabolic background (RER) and aerobic anaerobic capacity (VO2) values of the examined individual during increasing load intensity. The above values of these examined individuals are recorded both during live game situations as well as in gym environments. The scientists and teachers have a very strong relationship with regional public educational institutions and sports clubs, which is essential for retaining quality in youth sports education and to further develop potential sports talent. One of the greatest values of the Research Team is that the results of their research may become visible even after a short period of time or already during research, which can be integrated into everyday practice instantaneously. The researchers assume a major role in teaching essential movement patterns as well as the personality development of young athletes in the teaching process, which provide invaluable help and make the choice of a suitable branch of sport easier later on.


Ferenc Ihász Head Of Research Group, Professor
Phone/ext.: +(36-94) 504-418
Room: Sportcsarnok, Terhelésélettani Labor
E-mail: ihasz.ferenc@ppk.elte.hu


Katalin Mónika Biróné Ilics Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-94) 504-343
Room: A230-C
E-mail: birone.ilics.katalin@ppk.elte.hu
Enikő Hurtik-Tóth Research Group Member, Lecturer
Phone/ext.: + (36-94) 504-294
Room: A235-B
E-mail: toth.eniko@ppk.elte.hu
Péter Kéri Research Group Member, Lecturer
Room: A230-B
E-mail: keri.peter@ppk.elte.hu
Miklós Koltai Research Group Member, Habil. Associate Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-94) 504 - 316
Room: A230-A
E-mail: koltai.miklos@ppk.elte.hu
Lili Kósa Research Group Member, PhD Student
Mihály Koszogovits Research Group Member, Master Teacher
Phone/ext.: + (36-94) 504-343
Room: A230-C
E-mail: koszogovits.mihaly@ppk.elte.hu
Ádám Laki Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-94) 504-294
Room: A235-B
E-mail: laki.adam@ppk.elte.hu
Katalin Nagyváradi Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-94) 504-343
Room: A230-C
E-mail: nagyvaradi.katalin@ppk.elte.hu
Virág Némethné Sulyok Research Group Member, Art Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-94) 504-343
Room: A230-C
E-mail: nemethne.sulyok.virag@ppk.elte.hu
Dr. Monika Szigethy Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-94) 504-343
Room: A230-C
E-mail: szigethy.monika@ppk.elte.hu