Research Group for Education-Law-Pedagogy

The research group explores the interrelationship and interplay between education and law, pedagogy, education sciences, and law in an inter- and multidisciplinary approach. The focus of its interest is law as the subject and framework of educational activity. In this context, we examine the teaching of law especially to non-lawyers and the pedagogy thereof. Our goal is to present scientific results that assist in the education of law, primarily in teacher education, and in-service training, leadership training, and the preparation for and law-conscious practice of these professions. To this end, it shall investigate, in particular, the attitudes, legal awareness and compliance of the educational actors and their compliance with the law, their motivations, etc. The research team also addresses the legal framework of education, not from the point of view of legislation but primarily from that of the subject of the regulation. We also examine the reflections of those involved in regulated processes in regulated institutions.
The operations of the research group are defined horizontally and across institutional, faculty borders. Therefore, although it operates within the framework of Institute of Education, it was founded with the colleagues and doctoral students of Faculty of Law and Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education, and is open for further interested people.

Research group website


Zoltán Rónay Head Of Research Group, Habil. Associate Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3888
Room: 403

administrative staff

Bence Miklós Demonstrator, Student


Fruzsina Gulya Research Group Member, PhD Student
Anna Klára Hay Research Group Member, PhD Student
Kevin Kormos Research Group Member, PhD Student
Bence Miklós Research Group Member, Student
Ágnes Fazekas Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3876
Room: 443
Tamás Reményi Research Group Member, PhD Student
Csilla Cserti-Szauer External Member
Áron Fábián External Member, Lecturer
Phone/ext.: 1369
Room: 501
Balázs Fekete External Member
Gergely Kováts External Member
ANETT MALÉTH External Member, Lecturer
Phone/ext.: 5518
Room: 204
Márton Matyasovszky-Németh External Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: 1371
Room: 501
Katalin Tausz External Member