Research Group on Historical, Theoretical and Comparative Pedagogy

Our examinations can be divided into three research directions. The first one is the research of the history of science of education, in which researchers use methods related to historical sociology and empirical data analysis. By using these methodological approaches, researches can investigate collective biography and bibliographical databases and they are also able to conduct content analysis of representative pedagogical journals and other pedagogical publications.
The second research direction is the comparative and historical analysis of the theory of professionalization, in which we explore and compare the main trends of emergence of pedagogue professions. The researchers are strive to investigate the emergence of primary and secondary teacher professions and their separation from each other from the second half of the 18th century till 1945 in European context.
The third research direction of the research group is the history of alternative schooling, reform pedagogical methodologies and life reform movements. Researchers use the methods of hermeneutic document analysis and social network analysis. By using these methods, one can explore the emerging alternative movements against the social structure of industrial societies and nation state education policies in the 19th century.

Research group website


Zoltán András Szabó Head Of Research Group, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3852
Room: 420


Zsófia Albrecht Research Group Member, PhD Student
Gabriella Baska Research Group Member, Habil. Associate Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3852
Room: 420
Katalin Borbás Research Group Member, Student
Márta Dallos Research Group Member, PhD Student
Andrea Daru Research Group Member, PhD Student
Nóra Fliszár Research Group Member, PhD Student
Imre Garai Research Group Member, Habil. Associate Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3852
Room: 420
Katalin Kempf Research Group Member, PhD Student
Barbara Nagy Research Group Member, PhD Student
Bence Ruzsa Research Group Member, Student
Péter Sinka Research Group Member, PhD Student
Gábor Szabó Research Group Member, PhD Student
Erika Anna Turzai Research Group Member, PhD Student
Beatrix Vincze Research Group Member, Associate Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3881
Room: 419
Erzsébet Golnhofer External Member
Judit Hegedűs External Member
András Németh External Member, Professor Emeritus
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3801
Room: 406
Ehrenhard Prof. Dr. Skiera External Member
Géza Sáska External Member
Éva Szabolcs External Member, Professor Emeritus
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3881
Room: 419